Does knowing the geology of the CO Plateau give practical insight for trip planning?

Now just saw this thread and will weigh in on several quick comments. I have for years, since the late 70s and early 80s, coming down to the Colorado Plateau for some extensive hiking. Thru the years visited the Escalante Country all kinds of times thru the years. Now for myself, geology is not one of my strong points. But am an avid naturalist and birdwatcher. I would just say 'Go For It' in exploring the Colorado Plateau. There is soooo much good wild country out there in this Colorado Plateau area. You will learn things as you explore and wander over the Colorado Plateau. Plus knowing the animals, the plants, and such with their habits and everything could be beneficial in your exploring and wandering. All the other life can be such teachers in so many ways, both the animals, the birds, and the plants. There are also many good books out there where a layman can learn a thing or two to help in their wanderings and exploring. Wishing Everyone the Best!

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