Denali NP, Teklanika and Sanctuary Rivers

QUOTE="Ben, post: 98878, member: 2101"]what did you do.[/QUOTE]
I first struggled and squirmed while my head was ringing from hitting it on the ground. My helmet kept it just to a wringing sound and not a bleeding sound. Then I smelled a little grilling going on with my leg under the hot muffler so I squirmed a lot harder and got out from under it.

Typical.. I was riding around exploring four wheel drive gravel/dirt roads on my 750# road bike until I couldn't go up anymore and THEN remembered I had to turn the big pig around.

There are only two kind of motorcyclists. Ones that have fallen down and ones that are going to fall down. Lesson from my 100K miles on two wheels....
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I actually did have a Yamaha 250 and used to ride it around the old mining roads in Moab country. I'd get run over if I tried that now.

How did you like the bike? I was looking at those online just earlier today.
How did you like the bike? I was looking at those online just earlier today.
I loved it except it had too much throttle* and I kept flying over bumps and hills even when I didn't mean to.

*too much throttle - a term used by bike rookies who think it makes them look like they know more than they do.
Actually, that 250 was nice and quiet (four-stroke) that made me feel like I wasn't disturbing everyone's peace and quiet, even though I probably was. I loved the feeling of the open air. I even got to where I could ride it up onto my trailer w/o scaring myself to death. But I've never been very good with maintaining things.
Amazing! The pictures are outstanding! Adding the packraft just ups how awesome this is! I live and worked in Healy in 2005. I did the Toklat to the Wyoming hills. Once you've hiked river braids and tundra you'll never forget it. Incredible trip report! Makes me miss AK.
On seeing Denali, the actual mountain, I lived and worked an entire summer up there and only saw it four times. Its veritcal relief from sea level to peak rivals most mountains on earth. It was in the clouds for all but four days I was in the park when I was there in 2005 from May to September. I climbed a whole bunch of other peaks, Mt Healy, Sugarloaf, and never once saw it from up there either. When I came back to the Wasatch, these mountains looked so small to me after seeing it.
I was up there two years ago and it was beautiful clear weather the entire time. I could see the mountain every day for a week or two. It wasn't until later I realized how lucky I'd been.

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