Curse you LightRoom!! Aaaarrrghhh!!!!


Jun 14, 2012
Right at this particular second, I have a serious case of loathing and despise for LightRoom. POFS...

No idea, no clue how this happened. Have about 150 RAW images from Cedar Mesa over the weekend. Going through developing them. For the last THREE HOURS. Get to the last couple, and the exposures are pretty bad and they need some pretty extreme develop settings to save anything from them. Get to only two left to do, and I suddenly notice, that the thumbnails in the filmstrip along the bottom are all looking kind of funky and garish. I start checking a couple, and they ALL have the extreme develop settings that I've used on the last few, and ALL of my work for the past three hours is GONE!

Like I said, no idea how it happened, so no idea how to prevent it happening again. But I have to start all over with the entire batch of images.


Right now, this second, I am really regretting ever messing with LightRoom...

In the develop module look at the history for each of the modified images. Whats the last action at the top?
In the develop module look at the history for each of the modified images. Whats the last action at the top?

Hmmm... I've got LR running right now, but I'm not seeing where to view history for images? Ohhh! Just expanded the left panel, now I see it.

"Paste Settings".

That would do it alright... Any idea how I could have inadvertently and unknowingly pasted develop settings to every image in the filmstrip all at once?

Maybe all is not lost if I can go back to the last History step prior to "Paste Settings"? That would be nice....

And Thanks!

Ahhh... Still no idea how I did it, but I see that I CAN go through them and simply click on the last history step prior to the one that jacked everything up. Still a PITA, but a whole heckuva lot better than having to redo them all.

Didn't even know LR had a history palette.

Thanks Bill!

There are several ways to copy and paste settings from one image to another in the Develop module:

• Command + C (Mac) | Control + C (Win) will display the “Copy Settings” dialog so that you can choose what setting to copy.

• Command + V (Mac) | Control + V (Win) will paste those settings.

• Command + Option + V (Mac) | Control + Alt + V (Win) will paste all the settings from the previously altered

• Command + Shift + S (Mac) | Control + Shift + S (Win) will display the Synchronize Settings dialog box so that you can choose what settings to synchronize ( you must have multiple images selected to use this shortcut).

• Command + Option + S (Mac) | Control + Alt + S (Win) will synchronize multiple photos with the last copied settings – without displaying the sync dialog box.

• Command + Shift + R (Mac) | Control + Shift + R (Win) will reset all settings applied to an image.

• Command + Option + Shift + A (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift + A (Win) will toggle Auto Sync on and off in the Develop module (note: you must have multiple images selected to use Auto Sync.)
Its very beneficial to review the LR keyboard shortcut list from time to time. Here are a few I use frequently when working in the develop module
Edit in Photoshop
Ctrl + E

Select the Crop tool (from any module)

Select the Graduated Filter tool

Show/hide local adjustment mask overlay

Edit in Photoshop
Ctrl + E

Export selected photo(s)
Ctrl + Shift + E

and most in importantly holding alt when using the sharpening masks

full short cut list
Still pretty much baffled as to how I did it without knowing. It looks to me like no matter which route I took, it would have involved both selecting all the photos and then performing a paste settings on them either by a multi-key shortcut or a dialog. The Ctrl-Alt-S above looks like the most plausible, but I know I didn't just accidentally select all and hit three keys at once.

Since I don't know, I can't say for sure it wasn't something I did. Knowing how software works, I know it probably WAS me, somehow. But I can't help feeling LR boned me somehow :poop:.

Oh well, turned out to be not such a huge deal. Thanks again for the quick point Bill - it was timely!

you could've selected all easily, and simply hit a preset button inadvertently... wouldn't necessarily involve copy/pasting.

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