Coyote Gulch, Escalante Utah - 5 year anniversary backpacking trip


Jan 18, 2012

It was our 5 year anniversary and we decided to celebrate it with a backpacking trip in Escalante's Coyote Gulch. We had talked about doing this hike for a long time and we were so happy to finally do it. This was only our 2nd trip to Escalante area (as a couple), but we love going there and feel connected due to Alene's having lived there for 2 months on an archaeology dig when she was in college.

The canyon was a paradise for sure, with a nice little creek that runs through it, HUGE alcoves that cut deep into the canyon, multiple arches, springs, beautiful green trees, and the list goes on.

On our first day, we drove down there on the morning of the 13th and arrived in the mid-afternoon at the parking area just past Chimney Rock.

Chimney Rock

The trail head

We used our GPS and points provided by our dear brother in-law Bill and headed down into Hurricane Wash.

Entering Hurricane Wash

Water begins to start flowing in Hurricane wash

The confluence of Hurricane wash and Coyote Gulch

Coyote Gulch and the huge alcoves that cut into the canyon

We made it to Hamblin Arch, but all the good campsites around it were taken, so we continued on

The river near our campsite

Our campsite

We slept when the sun went down and woke up in the morning to light rain. We stayed in the tent until about 9am when the rain stopped. Being that we were in a desert, the ground dried up very quickly. We ate breakfast and quickly headed out on our 10+ mile round trip hike down the rest of Coyote Gulch, to the Escalante River, viewpoint for Stephens arch, then back. The whole trip took about 8.5 hrs down and back. We hiked at a pretty good pace, but this part of the canyon was amazing.

Approaching swiss cheese falls

Swiss cheese falls

The choke point

Coyote Bridge: This was so awesome because the river runs right through it

The flash flooding in this canyon must be awesome

At times the canyon opens up nice and wide with beautiful meadows like this

We took a side trip up to this "swimming hole". I have to admit that I'd have to be pretty hot and desperate to swim in it, but it was pretty neat to see all the water seeping off the canyon walls into this pool

We started to get to the water fall section

Cliff arch

More waterfalls

Getting close to the confluence of Coyote Gulch and the Escalante River

Finally arrived at the confluence of Coyote Gulch and the Escalante River. Check out the amount of sand being pushed from Coyote gulch, into the Escalante River

From here we hiked North a bit to Stephens Arch. We were surprised how close it was to the confluence area. We passed a group of 3 older men who had gone backpacking up Stephens Canyon and were on their way out

I stripped down to my undies and took a quick dip in the river here, but it was COLD and flowing a bit too fast for me, so I was out pretty quick. This is a picture of me showing how much weight I've lost so far. I used to fill these pants out with not much room to spare. Time for new pants I guess :). Still want to drop about 20 more lbs.

On our hike back to camp, I saw this awesome tree growing high up on the side of a canyon wall

The desert flowers were in full bloom

We got back to camp, had some dinner and slept our 2nd night in the canyon. It was cool sleeping in this section because we could hear all the crickets and frogs making all kinds of nature noises through the night. We woke up early, ate breakfast, and headed out back to our car.

Quick smooch by Hamblin Arch on our way out

One last picture of some awesome alcoves cutting their way through the canyon

The exit up out of Hurricane wash sucked. It was late morning, not a cloud in the sky and the sun was at full exposure. It took a lot out of us.

We took a quick ride down Hole in the Rock road for a bit to check out Dance Hall Rock and have a little lunch

We then headed back to Escalante State Park for some much needed showers and a nice little hike through their Petrified Forest. We took a picture of this area when we were last here about 4 years ago.

On our way back home, we stopped along Hwy 12 to take this picture of Lower Bowns Reservoir. We would like to come back and check this area out for some nice mountain camping and possible swimming

This trip was awesome. I had such a good time spending much needed personal time with Alene. We were able to do a lot of talking, laughing, and joking and really enjoying each others company. It was also a great time to kind of "refresh" our relationship as we were celebrating 5 years. I look forward to many more celebrations with Alene. I love her so much.
Haha! I am like 99% sure that we ran into you on this trip. When you were approaching Hamblin Arch, we were at a camp about 50 feet above the river on a ledge. I think my friend Ndheiner made a bit of small talk and you guys continued down stream. Then the next day, I saw you walk past the bend at Swiss Cheese falls towards the very end of the day. We were up in the alcove campsite by the falls. Small world...
Haha! I am like 99% sure that we ran into you on this trip. When you were approaching Hamblin Arch, we were at a camp about 50 feet above the river on a ledge. I think my friend Ndheiner made a bit of small talk and you guys continued down stream. Then the next day, I saw you walk past the bend at Swiss Cheese falls towards the very end of the day. We were up in the alcove campsite by the falls. Small world...

That's funny. I do remember a group before Hamblin Arch. Was it a somewhat large group? Some were up on the alcove bend and some were just sitting out basking in the sun?
That's funny. I do remember a group before Hamblin Arch. Was it a somewhat large group? Some were up on the alcove bend and some were just sitting out basking in the sun?

It was just four of us kind of up and out of sight from the river bed. Two bends up from Hamblin I think. I think we may have discussed campsites with you briefly but not sure. Here's a link to my trip report:

So I am now positive it was you. Don't ask me why, but I took a picture when you guys walked past our campsite at Swiss Cheese the second day. :lol:

It was just four of us kind of up and out of sight from the river bed. Two bends up from Hamblin I think. I think we may have discussed campsites with you briefly but not sure. Here's a link to my trip report:

So I am now positive it was you. Don't ask me why, but I took a picture when you guys walked past our campsite at Swiss Cheese the second day. :lol:

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Ha ha. That's hilarious. That's totally us treking through the canyon. I'll just assume you took a picture because we both looked so in love with our surroundings :). It was fate bro, that's why we crossed paths.
Ha ha. That's hilarious. That's totally us treking through the canyon. I'll just assume you took a picture because we both looked so in love with our surroundings :). It was fate bro, that's why we crossed paths.

Yep. If I recall I was sitting up on our ledge and the scene with you two walking through just seemed kind of idyllic. It's awesome to get shots with people to give scale to the place. The picture obviously didn't turn out well at all but I'm bad about deleting photos!