Camp sites along The Burr Trail


Aug 9, 2007
I'm heading down to do the Little Death Hollow-Wolverine loop this weekend and I'm wondering if anyone would mind sharing directions or coordinates for a good campsite over in that area. Something along the Burr Trail or the Wolverine Loop Road would be ideal. I'm not taking my truck so it can't be too gnarly of a road. I've driven the Wolverine road once several years ago and I specifically remember thinking there wasn't much for camping. There is a possibility we won't even make it all the way there that first night. Might camp outside of Torrey or something, but it would be nice to know of a spot we could drive to in the dark if we do.

If you know a spot and would rather not share it with the interwebs, shoot me private message. :)
if it is not windy, there are 4 or 5 primitive spots with fire rings above steep creek on the north side of the burr trail just before dropping into the gulch. amazing views to the north. just look for the 2 track on your left after crossing the cattle guard and making the turn around that ridge that is on the west side of the gulch. there are also some decent spots on the little mesa directly below long canyon when you drop into the Circle Cliffs.
There are a couple of spots along the Notum road that are actually rather nice... I have never gotten to them in the daylight so I don't know exactly where they are but they are there :).... yeah I know that wasn't very helpful
Thanks for the tips.

Funny thing about Little Death Hollow. I called the VC in Escalante to see if there were any issues with the Wolverine road or conditions in the canyon. They said all they had heard was that a couple of cows appear to have been washed into the slot and might be a bit of an obstacle. :lol: Fun!!

From the sound of it, they won't be as fresh as this one was.

Well thats something you don't see everyday by ibenick, on Flickr

Sorry, I have to bust out this photo every chance I get!
Wow. Gotta say I didn't expect to see a couple inches of snow in my yard this morning. Did you get much precipitation down your way, intuitive cat ?
nope. no precipitation down here. it has been super windy overnight, but the winds are supposed to die down by the afternoon.
it's sunny & forecast to be in the 60's over the weekend in town (expect 5 to 10 degrees warmer out in the desert)