Camera advice

Since we are talking about the S110 here, I thought I would mention that if you are looking for a nice waterproof case, Monoprice has a good one at a decent price. I purchased one last month when I bought my S110 so I could use my camera on rafting trips without worrying about getting it wet. I haven't had it on a trip yet, but I have tested it in water and the case does work very well.
@ Randy, nice but pricey. Thanks
@Miss Buff: Glad to hear that. Thanks, I was wondering about them.
Dang, I waited too long to get a s110. The price is now $255. I should have snagged one when they were $190.
I bought a Nikon last summer. I was debating between this Nikon and a Cannon I can't seem to find again. I went with the Nikon for the very reasons @Nick mentioned about shooting in RAW format. In hind sight I wish I'd gone the other way. I like the Nikon but 90% of my indoor pictures blur. Outdoor photos are good and as Nick mentioned you don't have to shoot in RAW, but it would be nice to when I want to tweek certain images.
Dang, I waited too long to get a s110. The price is now $255. I should have snagged one when they were $190.

Me too, got sick and when I checked back on them they shot up in price. Still watching them.

Costco is selling a Panasonic Lumix ZS25 for 199.00. I was playing with it the other day. It has a crazy zoom on it, 20X and the Leica lens. Decisions, decisions.
The only issue i had with my S95 was that the flash stopped working. It wouldn't retract from the housing. The S120 seems to have switched to a flash that requires you to manually flip it up. Is the flash on the S110 manual, or automatic?
Hey, all... I bought a Canon S120 last autumn, and it is incredible. The main difference from the S110 is a wider aperture. Even better for low-light situations. The only other main differences, are, as mentioned, the star setting, and also a greatly increased frame-per-second function. For the $ though, I'd recommend the S110... it is a fantastic camera!
The only issue i had with my S95 was that the flash stopped working. It wouldn't retract from the housing. The S120 seems to have switched to a flash that requires you to manually flip it up. Is the flash on the S110 manual, or automatic?

I rarely use the flash on the S110, no need for it. But it is the same awkward mechanism than the S95.
Since I only shoot in manual mode the flash never pops up unwanted.
Good to know, thanks.

I really like the video features of the sony rx100. I may have to pick one of those up.
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great price. I'd be surprised if it didn't come with a battery. For replacement batteries, I'm a HUGE fan of wasabi brand batteries found on amazon.

If it uses the same battery as an s95, I believe I still have my s95 battery and charger. If they're the same, they're yours.
great price. I'd be surprised if it didn't come with a battery. For replacement batteries, I'm a HUGE fan of wasabi brand batteries found on amazon.

If it uses the same battery as an s95, I believe I still have my s95 battery and charger. If they're the same, they're yours.

Thanks, very nice offer. But after reading Rivers comments I think I pay a little more up front.
Not familiar with Wasabi Batts. I really trust Panasonics LI-ion, some made in Japan, some in Taiwan. I will buy from Taiwan just not mainland. Most of my battery buying is from daily bike commuting with lights. Japanese batts have never let me down, can not say the same for Chinese. When you are hauling a$$ down a dark street at night on a bike you can't loose your lights.

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