Best of 2019

@Ugly - is this what you were thinking...??

Way too funny, looks just like me.

Since so many trips got canceled for various reasons to end the year, the adventure of 2019 was a bit anti-climactic.

There were some themes:
SNOW and more snow. Camping in -20d, snowshoeing galore, camping in thundersnow on May 31-June 1... and some snow hiking and snowshoeing to end the year as well.

June 1
Maybird in May 5-20190121-sm-recipe.jpg

Extreme cold camping over Pres Day
Pine Hollow Freee Fest 2-20190088-options2-proc.jpg

Some snowshoe trips not in the dark under the headlamp and stars.
Mill B South Snow Lightshow0060-sm-recipe-crop.jpg

Traverse Saturday Sun 2-9-20190093-proc.jpg

The Snow theme continued, even if just by name, where my wife actually did some hiking miles on the way to Vegas.
Vegas Trip 1-20190366-recipe-sm.jpg

Canyons and waterfalls were also a yearlong theme. I ended up in a few places... GSENM, GCNRA, CRNP, ZNP, GCNP, RMNP and a surprise trip to the land of blue waterfalls with my sister and her friends.

Took my kids down one of my favorite areas when I was a kid. Autumn colors were excellent, water was cold, and the days very short at the end of October.
Zion Kolob The North Fork 10-20190933.jpg

Only my kids and friend in Wall street.
Zion Kolob The North Fork 10-20190990.jpg

Springtime trips with waterfalls, frogs, arches, snow, rainstorms and canyons in the sandstone.
Escalante Memorial Romp 5-20190361.jpg

Escalante Memorial Romp 5-20190549.jpg

Escalante Memorial Romp 5-20190084.jpg

Besides waterfalls, there are these places of intense beauty and quiet. Plus on down to the confluence and the best AC was always under the falls.



Two weeks at the beach.
A few days on the Atlantic at Virgina Beach.

Ten days in San Diego, including a couple of different days sailing, and a trip to see all my friends in Tijuana -which was probably one of THE highlights of the year for me.
Family San Diego 20190596.jpg

A bit of time in the mountains, always seemed to attract storms it seemed.
A simple evening hike up to Sunset Peak became a lightning dodging dash to the truck and then an unplanned night at Snowbird as mud and rockslides covered the road.
As the storm came in, the ten minutes watching this calf play tag with mom and dad was unforgettable.
Flooded In Sunset Peak 8-20190021.jpg

The incoming storm clouds up BCC ridge.
Flooded In Sunset Peak 8-20190067.jpg

A handful of nights and day hikes in the Uintas, included taking my two boys and two nephews. My newly adopted nephews swam in lakes for the first time, caught salamanders and shared a two man tent, while I swung a short distance away.
Uintas Lake Country Loop 8-20190210.jpg

Sunsets were great too, but honestly I hiked more often without my camera this year than ever before. Maybe with the iphone 11, I will be slightly happier with the results the times the camera stays home.
Antelope Isle Saturday 3-20190350-sm-nr.jpg
Excellent Stories, Adventures, and Photographs thus far -- I hope to have the time/ability to see some of those wonderful sights with my own eyes in the future. I waited for the next page to post so people might sort of forget the fabulous pics/stores from page one so mine don't pale in comparison. :)

Snuck in a couple short but sweet trips this year -- took the brother in law out to Washington to see some blooming wildflowers on Mount Rainier.



Also made the hike up to Camp Muir eighteen years after I had done it the first time.


Returned to Yellowstone and took a solo walk down to the Shoshone Geyser Basin.




Crossed paths with some wildlife on the trail in the Tetons.




Enjoyed several nice sunsets and sunrises.




Looking forward to the adventures that await in 2020!
Started out 2019 in South Coyote Buttes.


Then a quick trip to Bryce.


Then a trip to Havasu Falls.


Then, off to Golden Cathedral.


Quick jaunt to White Rim Hoodoos.


Kolob Arch was next.


Then off through Paria Canyon


Safety Patrol at the Wave through the summer..


Drove from Maine to Holbrook Arizona in 3 days.

Watching the morning solar flare arrive in Apache Junction.
Watched Big Boy go by.

Hunting season arrives

Some deep sea fishing mixed in.

Trip through Nevada to dig for turquoise

Return patrol to the Wave.


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2019 Highlights. Nothing out west this year, all southeast and a little Costa Rica.

Going backward from December to January...

Beaver Creek Wilderness Area, Kentucky


Dog Slaughter Falls, Kentucky

The Grotto of Grayson Lake, KEntucky


Laurel Lake, Kentucky

Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, Virginia

Kayaking the Nolichucky River Gorge while my girlfriend got her first whitewater raft trip. NC/TN border.

Linville Gorge Wilderness area. North Carolina

Linville Gorge Wilderness area. North Carolina

Linville Gorge Wilderness area. North Carolina

Overnight packraft/raft trip on the Cumberland River below Cumberland Falls. Kentucky

Foster Falls. Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park

Foster Falls. Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park

Foster Falls. Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park

McCreary County, Kentucky

McCreary County, Kentucky

Finally catching Dog Slaughter Falls with enough flow to kayak. Kentucky

Playa San MIguel. Costa Rica

Bourbon County, Kentucky
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Happy New Year, Everyone!

Blake and I moved from the Phoenix area to Grand Junction, CO, late in 2018 for two reasons. (1) We were spending far more time hiking and camping in southeastern Utah than we were in Arizona and (2) Blake very much missed fly-fishing in rivers and streams. Given how cold and wet it was last winter (and, possibly, this one as well), one might question the sanity of that decision. However, looking back on 2019 I see that we made 12 separate trips to Utah and Blake fished the Gunnison, Colorado, Rio Grande, Roaring Fork, Eagle and the Frying Pan. I even tried my hand at fly-fishing with great success (for a beginner)! Below are photos of some of our most special memories from 2019.

We look forward to your 2020 inspiring trip reports and photos. Peace.

Our first "without a doubt" arrowhead:


A hazy picture, for sure, but still a reminder of the vastness and emptiness of The Maze:


Enjoying a sunny day in Bears Ears:


Making our way down Sulphur Creek in Capitol Reef:


Taking our granddaughter, Natalie, on her first road-trip in Utah :


Finally (!) making it into Beef Basin:


Stumbling upon a mano and metate that wasn't inside or near an alcove:

Happy New Year!

In 2019 I was lucky to go on two fabulous hiking trips. The first was in April with my husband and a few other friends - 4 days in the Grand Canyon. We loved the beautiful scenery along the Hermit & Tonto Trails, the ancient rocks in Monument Creek, and the incredible power of Granite Rapids. It was a great time to go, as we saw gorgeous wildflowers and heard a wonderful chorus of frogs. Here are a few of my many photos:







My other hiking trip was different from any I've ever done before. For our 30th anniversary, my husband & I treated ourselves to a 12-day, approximately 120 mile trek in the Alps - the Walkers "Haute Route." We started at Mont Blanc in Chamonix, France, and finished at the Matterhorn in Zermatt, Switzerland. The scenery and wildflowers were incredible! We stayed in mountain huts and village inns, ate delicious food, had interesting conversations with other hikers, survived a glacier crossing, went up and down about a dozen mountain passes, were impressed by Swiss engineering, and loved the entire beautiful, challenging experience! Here are a few of my 2000+ photos:

We started with beautiful views of Mt. Blanc in France.

We didn't realize that crossing the glacial streams would be so challenging!

We saw thousands of wildflowers full of butterflies and other insects.

Midway through the trip, we stayed at a hut right next to this glacier.

We loved seeing lots of cows grazing in the Swiss Alps.

When there are rockfalls, the Swiss build bridges. This is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge and is more than 1600' long. It was fun crossing it!

So many beautiful spots on this trip!


We were excited to see the Matterhorn but sad that our trip would soon be ending...
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I didn't get out backpacking much this year. My wife wanted us to go to a family reunion in Arizona and my dad went into an assisted living facility in Florida and I made a couple trips out there to see him. I basically used up my vacation time for the year on those trips. My only hiking trip was to the Cloud Peak Wilderness in WY over Labor Day weekend.

For the best of 2019 I thought I would put up some pictures that I like and that were unusual for me in one way or another.

The Arizona family reunion was the first trip of 2019. The unusual thing about that trip was that I saw several kinds of birds that I have never seen before.
Cactus Wren
Harris's Hawk
Grey Hawk
I usually don't get to see Hummers up close.
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Gila Woodpecker
Green Heron
There were some nice sunsets
The trips to Florida were in February and September. February is spring in Florida. Lots of foliage that doesn't exist here in Nebraska.
Azaleas were blooming.P2250835.jpg
As were the Magnolia trees
Butterflies were out in February too
Gulf Fritillary
Black Swallowtail
Grey Hairstreak
Zebra Longwing
I was watching for Tiger Beetles because there's supposed to be a lot of varieties there. I finally saw one. After doing some digging I found out that it's only found in 4 counties in Florida and nowhere else in the world. So, it was pretty exciting to find something unusual. Oddly, it doesn't have a common name that I could find, but the scientific name is Cincindela scabrosa. Not the prettiest of Tiger Beetles, but I'm still thrilled to have gotten a good picture.
I also a couple birds in Florida that I haven't seen before.
Little Blue Heron
Belted Kingfisher. This was taken from a long way away, so not the best picture.
Some pictures from the backpacking trip to the Cloud Peak Wilderness.
On the trip home from Wyoming the Northern Lights were shining. Hadn't seen those since I was a kid.
Last I thought I'd include some pictures from Nebraska. The first is a Regal Fritillary. I've lived in Nebraska 30 years and had never seen one of these until this summer when I saw two. The habitat for these is the North American prairie. They're mainly in Nebraska and the Dakotas, but can also be found in the edges of the states that bound Nebraska and the Dakotas. It was exciting to finally see one.
Last are some Nebraska weather photos.
Harris's Hawk
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I usually don't get to see Hummers up close.
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@Curt - Fabulous photos as always! Very nice you got to see some new things in 2019. The second Hummingbird with the purple is Costa's..... a very territorial hummer, we have watched it before in the Desert Botanical garden in Phoenix. The first is the Rufous Hummingbird, with the brownish/orange tint, we just saw both hummers last week in Tucson. We also saw a family of Harris Hawks hunting in the Raptor show in the Tucson Desert museum. The hawks flew within inches above our head, super fun to watch. Unusual hawks, they also hunt together as a family.

Here is a cool and fun video of the Costa's male trying to impress a female:
I didn't get out backpacking much this year. My wife wanted us to go to a family reunion in Arizona and my dad went into an assisted living facility in Florida and I made a couple trips out there to see him. I basically used up my vacation time for the year on those trips. My only hiking trip was to the Cloud Peak Wilderness in WY over Labor Day weekend.

For the best of 2019 I thought I would put up some pictures that I like and that were unusual for me in one way or another.

The Arizona family reunion was the first trip of 2019. The unusual thing about that trip was that I saw several kinds of birds that I have never seen before.
Cactus Wren
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Harris's Hawk
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Grey Hawk
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I usually don't get to see Hummers up close.
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Ladder-backed Woodpecker
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Gila Woodpecker
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Green Heron
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There were some nice sunsets
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The trips to Florida were in February and September. February is spring in Florida. Lots of foliage that doesn't exist here in Nebraska.
Azaleas were blooming.View attachment 86105
As were the Magnolia trees
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Butterflies were out in February too
Gulf Fritillary
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Black Swallowtail
View attachment 86129
Grey Hairstreak
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Zebra Longwing
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I was watching for Tiger Beetles because there's supposed to be a lot of varieties there. I finally saw one. After doing some digging I found out that it's only found in 4 counties in Florida and nowhere else in the world. So, it was pretty exciting to find something unusual. Oddly, it doesn't have a common name that I could find, but the scientific name is Cincindela scabrosa. Not the prettiest of Tiger Beetles, but I'm still thrilled to have gotten a good picture.
View attachment 86136
I also a couple birds in Florida that I haven't seen before.
Little Blue Heron
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Belted Kingfisher. This was taken from a long way away, so not the best picture.
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Some pictures from the backpacking trip to the Cloud Peak Wilderness.
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On the trip home from Wyoming the Northern Lights were shining. Hadn't seen those since I was a kid.
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Last I thought I'd include some pictures from Nebraska. The first is a Regal Fritillary. I've lived in Nebraska 30 years and had never seen one of these until this summer when I saw two. The habitat for these is the North American prairie. They're mainly in Nebraska and the Dakotas, but can also be found in the edges of the states that bound Nebraska and the Dakotas. It was exciting to finally see one.
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Last are some Nebraska weather photos.
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Oh my gosh - all your photos are terrific! Especially love the birds and butterflies - that purple hummingbird is fabulous!
Alaska ate all my vacation this year, and the rest of the year I was either working overtime or staying close to home and getting in shape for Alaska.

First highlight of the year was making the journey out to the Swell to the BCP meetup. Turned out to be a very good time. Lots of fun climbing through some slots.



Alaska, of course, was worth all the work and time I put into it.




(this one's from Denali)

(this is Denali)
SEKI was the obvious highlight of my year

I got to see Sky Pilots for the first time

Favorite photo of the trip

Other than that trip, the other highlight was backpacking with my kids, I'm glad they are getting old enough to do harder things like knee deep mud in the Dolly Sods

And then lots of smaller trips that mostly did not go as planned but were still worth it in the end

Hopefully 2020 is at least as good as 2019
I did not get out this year very much, so here are a few favorites.
Shot from my house:

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On our family float trip down Meander Canyon:

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Relief from the heat, the water was perfect:

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It seems like you make this float trip fairly regularly. I have really enjoyed the photos of your float trips. So much so that I've got this on my bucket list now. I don't know when I could possibly do it but I really would like to some day. Thank you for inspiring me.
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@Curt - Fabulous photos as always! Very nice you got to see some new things in 2019. The second Hummingbird with the purple is Costa's..... a very territorial hummer, we have watched it before in the Desert Botanical garden in Phoenix. The first is the Rufous Hummingbird, with the brownish/orange tint, we just saw both hummers last week in Tucson. We also saw a family of Harris Hawks hunting in the Raptor show in the Tucson Desert museum. The hawks flew within inches above our head, super fun to watch. Unusual hawks, they also hunt together as a family.

Here is a cool and fun video of the Costa's male trying to impress a female:

Thanks for the Hummingbird I.D.s. The video was very interesting. The hawk pictures were taken at the Desert Museum as were the Hummers. Cool place!
2019 Highlights. Nothing out west this year, all southeast and a little Costa Rica.

Going backward from December to January...

Beaver Creek Wilderness Area, Kentucky
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Dog Slaughter Falls, Kentucky
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The Grotto of Grayson Lake, KEntucky
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Laurel Lake, Kentucky
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Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, Virginia
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Kayaking the Nolichucky River Gorge while my girlfriend got her first whitewater raft trip. NC/TN border.
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Linville Gorge Wilderness area. North Carolina
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Linville Gorge Wilderness area. North Carolina
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Linville Gorge Wilderness area. North Carolina
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Overnight packraft/raft trip on the Cumberland River below Cumberland Falls. Kentucky
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Foster Falls. Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park
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Foster Falls. Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park
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Foster Falls. Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park
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McCreary County, Kentucky
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McCreary County, Kentucky
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Finally catching Dog Slaughter Falls with enough flow to kayak. Kentucky
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Playa San MIguel. Costa Rica
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Bourbon County, Kentucky
View attachment 86065
Wow - great photos!
SEKI was the obvious highlight of my year

I got to see Sky Pilots for the first time

Favorite photo of the trip

Other than that trip, the other highlight was backpacking with my kids, I'm glad they are getting old enough to do harder things like knee deep mud in the Dolly Sods

And then lots of smaller trips that mostly did not go as planned but were still worth it in the end

Hopefully 2020 is at least as good as 2019
I can see why that photo of SEKI was your favorite - terrific!

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