Bag Night Challenge 2019

Unfortunately, thunderstorms (graupel, heavy rain and some very close lightning strikes) prevented us from getting up to the Boulderfield on Sunday, so I didn't get the chance to try and climb Longs Peak on Monday morning, but there was snow and ice on the route Monday morning that turned most people back at the Keyhole. Maybe next year...

Total: 55 Nights

Sep 6-9 | Peru Creek, Soda Creek & Longs Peak CG | 3 >>
Aug 30 - Sept 1 | Beartown & West Ute Lake | 2
Aug 21-24 | Wind Rivers | 3
Aug 10-11 | Frenchman Creek | 1
Aug 2-3 | Corkscrew Pass | 1
Jul 27-28 | Middle Cottonwood Creek | 1
Jul 26-27 | Spring Creek Pass | 1
Jul 21-22 | Jersey Jim Fire Lookout Tower | 1
Jul 19-21 | West Mancos River | 2
Jul 13-14 | Crater Lake | 1
Jul 5-6 | Miners Basin | 1
Jul 3-4 | Dominguez Rim | 1
Jun 28-30 | White River | 2
Jun 21-23 | Buckhorn Wash & Price River | 2
Jun 14-16 | Dolores River | 2
Jun 7-8 | Hondu Country | 1
May 30 - Jun 2 | Navajo National Monument | 3
May 24-26 | Cedar Mesa | 2
May 18-19 | Big Dominguez Canyon | 1
May 10-13 | San Juan River | 3
May 3-5 | Dinosaurland | 2
Apr 24-25 | Sand Island | 1
Apr 19-21 | Bears Ears | 2
Apr 10-14 | Salt Creek | 4
Apr 5-6 | Flat Top | 1
Mar 22-24 | The Needles | 2
Mar 14-17 | The Needles | 3
Jan 24-27 | Paria Plateau | 3
Jan 18-21 | Squaw Flat | 3

Chasm Lake
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
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I spent a smoky night in Ingram Basin above Telluride on Friday so I could climb Ajax Peak on Saturday morning. All the smoke made for a colorful sunset, though...

Total: 56 Nights

Sep 13-14 | Ingram Basin | 1 >>
Sep 6-9 | Peru Creek, Soda Creek & Longs Peak CG | 3
Aug 30 - Sept 1 | Beartown & West Ute Lake | 2
Aug 21-24 | Wind Rivers | 3
Aug 10-11 | Frenchman Creek | 1
Aug 2-3 | Corkscrew Pass | 1
Jul 27-28 | Middle Cottonwood Creek | 1
Jul 26-27 | Spring Creek Pass | 1
Jul 21-22 | Jersey Jim Fire Lookout Tower | 1
Jul 19-21 | West Mancos River | 2
Jul 13-14 | Crater Lake | 1
Jul 5-6 | Miners Basin | 1
Jul 3-4 | Dominguez Rim | 1
Jun 28-30 | White River | 2
Jun 21-23 | Buckhorn Wash & Price River | 2
Jun 14-16 | Dolores River | 2
Jun 7-8 | Hondu Country | 1
May 30 - Jun 2 | Navajo National Monument | 3
May 24-26 | Cedar Mesa | 2
May 18-19 | Big Dominguez Canyon | 1
May 10-13 | San Juan River | 3
May 3-5 | Dinosaurland | 2
Apr 24-25 | Sand Island | 1
Apr 19-21 | Bears Ears | 2
Apr 10-14 | Salt Creek | 4
Apr 5-6 | Flat Top | 1
Mar 22-24 | The Needles | 2
Mar 14-17 | The Needles | 3
Jan 24-27 | Paria Plateau | 3
Jan 18-21 | Squaw Flat | 3

Smoky Telluride Sunset
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
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Total: 46 Nights

Jan 1 | Gold Butte | 0 - Technically a 2018 night, but I still think NYE should count as a bonus double!
Jan 18 | Gold Butte | 2 Nights
Mar 15-17 | The Swell | 2 Nights
Mar 20 | St. George | 1 Night
Mar 21 | Kanab | 1 Night
Mar 22-27 | Salt River | 5 Nights
Mar 27 | Butler Wash | 1 Night
Mar 28 | North of Moab | 1 Night
Apr 4-7 | Backcountry Fest - Swell Edition | 3 Nights
May 3-5 | San Rafael River | 2 Nights
May 26-Jun 1 | Yampa River | 6 Nights
Jun 14-16 | The Colorado Plateau | 2 Nights
July 4-14 | Tatshenshini & Alsek Rivers | 10 Nights
July 19-21 | Westwater Canyon | 2 Nights
Aug 8-14 | Glen Canyon | 6 Nights
Sep 12-14 | Bear Lake | 2 Nights

Catching up my tally. Spent a week in Glen Canyon and a couple nights at Bear Lake. Heading out to Mesa Verde and the San Juans in a few days.

After all of my trips to Powell, I finally got to spend some time exploring canyons on a jet ski.

Deploying the flood lights on my camper for some night Kubb at Bear Lake! The potato cannon came out after this and my Kubb set paid the price.
We went on an easy overnighter into the Holy Cross Wilderness this weekend. Probably our last backpacking trip into the mountains this year. Now it's time to get back to exploring the Colorado Plateau!

Total: 57 Nights

Sep 21-22 | Fancy Lake | 1 >>
Sep 13-14 | Ingram Basin | 1
Sep 6-9 | Peru Creek, Soda Creek & Longs Peak CG | 3
Aug 30 - Sept 1 | Beartown & West Ute Lake | 2
Aug 21-24 | Wind Rivers | 3
Aug 10-11 | Frenchman Creek | 1
Aug 2-3 | Corkscrew Pass | 1
Jul 27-28 | Middle Cottonwood Creek | 1
Jul 26-27 | Spring Creek Pass | 1
Jul 21-22 | Jersey Jim Fire Lookout Tower | 1
Jul 19-21 | West Mancos River | 2
Jul 13-14 | Crater Lake | 1
Jul 5-6 | Miners Basin | 1
Jul 3-4 | Dominguez Rim | 1
Jun 28-30 | White River | 2
Jun 21-23 | Buckhorn Wash & Price River | 2
Jun 14-16 | Dolores River | 2
Jun 7-8 | Hondu Country | 1
May 30 - Jun 2 | Navajo National Monument | 3
May 24-26 | Cedar Mesa | 2
May 18-19 | Big Dominguez Canyon | 1
May 10-13 | San Juan River | 3
May 3-5 | Dinosaurland | 2
Apr 24-25 | Sand Island | 1
Apr 19-21 | Bears Ears | 2
Apr 10-14 | Salt Creek | 4
Apr 5-6 | Flat Top | 1
Mar 22-24 | The Needles | 2
Mar 14-17 | The Needles | 3
Jan 24-27 | Paria Plateau | 3
Jan 18-21 | Squaw Flat | 3

Fancy Lake Camp
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
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4/5 Temple Mountain
4/6 Temple Mountain
4/12 Nine Mile Canyon Road
4/13 The Prop Duchesne
4/19 The Prop Duchesne
4/20 The Prop Duchesne
5/11 Half mile below the confluence of Buckskin Gulch and The Paria
5/12 Big Spring on the Paria
5/13 Up river half mile from Last Reliable Spring
5/18 The Wedge

9/14 Green Canyon Hot Springs

Took my girl on her first bikepack trip. I have been begging her to go with me since I started bikepacking. She refused. Some of you will remember her first backpack trip into Havasupai she swore after that trip she would never do anything like that again. So imagine my surprise when she said she wanted to try bikepacking now. Momma was [emoji15] who body snatched my kid.

I jumped on it. We only did 20 miles but on a rented bike and a saddle that was not mine that was far enough. I wanted to try the Salsa Cutthroat. She road the Fargo. OMG we had a ball riding farm roads in Idaho. Nothing flat about those roads. We ended at Green Canyon Hot Springs and soaked. She works for Fitzgerald's in Idaho Falls an awesome bike shop. This was a shop ride.

When we were done she said she couldn't wait until next spring/summer when we could plan some more trips. My heart warmed. [emoji7]


Clay and Laurel, Braydan, and Sarah there were more in the trip. I just didn't do many photos.






So this little guy Maverick followed us 10 miles back to the cars. Such a good pup. We loaded him into Braydan's car and took him back to the hot spring. I kinda fell in love with him. If I had a place for a dog like him...he might have just followed me home.

Morning camp face.




Anyway I am probably done for the year.

Not the 40+ some odd nights I got last year. Been too wrapped up in life to get out. I will remedy this next year.

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Time for a 2019 UPDATE

65 Backpacking Bag Nights as of May 2019.
80 Backyard Cowboy Camping Bag Nights.

Pulled a 25 day backpacking trip in Cohutta/Big Frog Wilderness with some pertinent pics---

Cohutta trip starts with my 90 lb pack on a 5 mile trek into Big Frog wilderness---and run into some Frog dayhikers, some of whom I know.

Passing thru the Big Frog I cross Jacks River and set up at the Rough Ridge trailhead on Rough Ridge Creek.

Dinner time on the Jacks. Some wild violets augment the meal.

After many days I reach Conasauga River and cross to go north on the Hickory Creek trail.

I leave Conasauga and take Hickory Creek/Cowpen/Hickory Ridge back to Jacks River and pull this tricky crossing down the rocks and across.

A couple nights camping on the Jacks during a rainstorm and some guys have to cross to get out. Thankfully I'm on the right side of the river for escape.

I pull away from the Jacks and climb up to Big Frog Mt where I use the lid off my McHale pack to pull a 4 liter water run.

And so on Day 24 the trip ends by leaving Big Frog and tooling to Ocoee River and my shuttle ride out.
UPDATE to October 1, 2019

107 Backpacking Bag Nights.
155 Backyard Cowboy Camping Bag Nights.

In June and August/September I pull two more backpacking trips of 21 days each---and both into the Citico Creek wilderness of TN/NC. This catches me up to October 1st before any Autumn trips.

Coming across the North Fork Citico footbridge---hornet nest on the bridge---got stung of course.

Got caught in a windstorm in Glenn Gap on Fodderstack Ridge and a tree limb ripped my beloved Hilleberg tent. Pulled out my pre-threaded needle and sewed it up fast---then coated in McNett's silnet sealer.

I cross Slickrock Creek in NC and go up Big Fat trail where I find Johnny hanging out after a big meal. We talk.

I leave Slickrock Creek and climb 3,000 feet in a terrible hump and reach Haoe Peak at 5,240 feet.

Heading down the Brush Mt trail---the "hardest" trail in the Citico. My fave reststop rock.

Mark aka Rasputen---the only backpacker I see in 21 days.

Hanging out on North Fork Citico Creek.

SECOND TRIP---This one is August into September and catches me up to October 1st.

I return to the North Fork and run into some Ranger kids studying the trail and doing alittle Silky saw trailwork.

Watching the Ranger kids skirt around two North Fork Creek crossings by taking this rock face detour.

I pull 68 creek crossings on this trip and this is one of them.

On South Fork Creek I nearly step on South Fork Jimmy and we talk and he's a happy guy. The plant is Partridge Berry aka Squaw Vine.

The South Fork/North Fork humps takes me up about 3,200 feet to Hangover Mt for some views and pics. Looking off into the Smokies.

You might see a black bear or a wild pig or a bobcat or a skunk or a raccoon but the rarest mammal of all? The solo woman backpacker. She's camping atop Hangover Mt.

I leave the high ground and descend the 9 mile South Fork trail and run into Johnny hanging out by the trail. So ends a great series of trips.
@Tipi Walter You sure manage to find the rattlesnakes, do you peek under all the bushes? :)

I've never seen one and I'm not sad about it, happy to just walk right by and never notice them :)
I see the Pit Vipers (Pit Toilets??) everywhere I go---into Pisgah NF, Bald River/Upper Bald wilderness, Citico, Slickrock etc you name it.

If you spend enough time hiking in the mountains of TN and cover alot of acreage in trails you're bound to see the guys. Most especially during the hottest months of the year---the time when most backpackers stay home in air conditioning.
Now thought would post to this thread again. In July I posted to this thread and guess time to do so again. Am continuing to just live my simple lifestyle here around Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It has become of those rare years when I worked all summer. Have lived on my bike camping out all summer. I would work during the day, but then go to a place nearby in the woods somewhere late in the day and sleep at night. Here would just spread out a tarp, my sleeping bag and few stuff on top for the night. Then pack up and go about the day's doing starting at first light. Now with living on my bike, have lived with only a minimum of stuff. Love Living Without So Much Stuff!!! Actually it has been a great summer with living without so much stuff, and sleeping out on about a every night basis. It has been Great! Would recommend this to everybody in learning to live without. Also the sunsets and sunrises this past summer season has been Great! Also will add, have continue to go all summer without any camera so no photos for this post.

There have been a few nights where have had to retreat to a local motel or such. Plus there were two weeks which I took in late April being down in Zion NP, and then recently last week with being at Rabbitstick which is a Primitive Skills Gathering held every September near Rexburg. Have had so far near a total of
160 days. This is minus a few nights where I had to stay in a motel room locally. Again it has been Great!!! There is still so much out there including right nearby where many of us live. Get Out and Enjoy Life and the Wilderness! Wishing Everyone the Best!
Kmatjhwy---I hear what you're saying. Once you get to living a "primitive" type lifestyle it'll always be a part of your psyche. I spent 21 years living in a ridgetop Tipi in North Carolina (1980-2001) and cut a 1 mile trail up to the thing on 40 acres of land with a trail elevation gain of about a 1,000 feet. Backpacked everything in. Including that blasted 140 lb iron woodstove.

And this tipi was my home base during long periods of backpacking and hitchhiking trips.

Tipi Walter, loved the photo! Thanks for posting! Yes do soooo agree with you. Gosh, how wonderful for you to live like this, and for 21 years. Wow! Good For You! Would love to hear more of this experience that you had for these 21 years. Wishing You the Best!
2019 total: 17 nights

Dolly Sods (WV) - March 11 - 13 - 2 nights
Citico Creek Wilderness (TN) - May 20 - 21 - 1 night
Red River Gorge (KY) - June 3 - 4 - 1 night
Dolly Sods (WV) w/ kids - June 16 - 19 - 3 nights
Deep Creek (GMNP) w/ kids - June 30 - July 2 - 2 nights
Laurel River Lake (KY) - July 25 - 26 - 1 night

SEKI - July 29 - August 6 - 7 nights

View from the tent for nights 2 & 3
Total: 50 Nights

Jan 1 | Gold Butte | 0 - Technically a 2018 night, but I still think NYE should count as a bonus double!
Jan 18 | Gold Butte | 2 Nights
Mar 15-17 | The Swell | 2 Nights
Mar 20 | St. George | 1 Night
Mar 21 | Kanab | 1 Night
Mar 22-27 | Salt River | 5 Nights
Mar 27 | Butler Wash | 1 Night
Mar 28 | North of Moab | 1 Night
Apr 4-7 | Backcountry Fest - Swell Edition | 3 Nights
May 3-5 | San Rafael River | 2 Nights
May 26-Jun 1 | Yampa River | 6 Nights
Jun 14-16 | The Colorado Plateau | 2 Nights
July 4-14 | Tatshenshini & Alsek Rivers | 10 Nights
July 19-21 | Westwater Canyon | 2 Nights
Aug 8-14 | Glen Canyon | 6 Nights
Sep 12-14 | Bear Lake | 2 Nights
Sep 24-28 | SW Colorado | 4 Nights

Just got back from a trip to Mesa Verde and the San Juans. We got the private ranger-guided tour experience at MV. It was so awesome to have the sites all to ourselves and be able to go to areas and sites that the public isn't usually allowed. And then to top that off a drive through the San Juans. We were a little early for great color, but we still found some nice pockets.





I spent Friday night alongside the Green River in Gray Canyon, then the next day did a short paddle across the Green and a long hike up the Price River to the May Ranch.

Total: 18 Nights

1/18/2019 - Coconino National Forest, AZ (near Wupatki NM)
1/19/2019 - Wet Beaver Creek, AZ
1/20/2019 - The Rolls, AZ
2/1/2019 - Bull Creek (near Hanksville), UT
2/2/2019 - The Cove (GCNRA, Orange Cliffs), UT
3/22/2019 - Dalton Wells Road, UT
3/23/2019 - Dalton Wells Road, UT
3/30/2019 - Dalton Wells Road, UT
4/4/2019 - Temple Mountain, UT
4/5/2019 - Temple Mountain, UT
4/6/2019 - Temple Mountain, UT
5/24/2019 - The Spur, UT
5/25/2019 - The Spur, UT
5/26/2019 - Twin Corral Flats, UT
7/31/2019 - Keg Knoll, UT
8/30/2019 - Bull Creek, Henry Mountains, UT
9/1/2019 - Duchesne River Overlook, Uinta Mountains, UT
9/27/2019 - Gray Canyon, UT

Gray Canyon

May Ranch
Total: 52 Nights

Jan 1 | Gold Butte | 0 - Technically a 2018 night, but I still think NYE should count as a bonus double!
Jan 18 | Gold Butte | 2 Nights
Mar 15-17 | The Swell | 2 Nights
Mar 20 | St. George | 1 Night
Mar 21 | Kanab | 1 Night
Mar 22-27 | Salt River | 5 Nights
Mar 27 | Butler Wash | 1 Night
Mar 28 | North of Moab | 1 Night
Apr 4-7 | Backcountry Fest - Swell Edition | 3 Nights
May 3-5 | San Rafael River | 2 Nights
May 26-Jun 1 | Yampa River | 6 Nights
Jun 14-16 | The Colorado Plateau | 2 Nights
July 4-14 | Tatshenshini & Alsek Rivers | 10 Nights
July 19-21 | Westwater Canyon | 2 Nights
Aug 8-14 | Glen Canyon | 6 Nights
Sep 12-14 | Bear Lake | 2 Nights
Sep 24-28 | SW Colorado | 4 Nights
Oct 4-6 | The Swell | 2 Nights

Two more nights this past weekend. Took motorcycles to the Swell to get some practice on dirt. Crashed my bike a couple times but the only thing that got hurt was the bike. Fun! (mine is the one by the trailer)

Looks like my post from Saturday was lost, so here it goes again. Spent last week wandering the Canyons of the Escalante, mostly. It was a good time.

Total: 65 Nights

Oct 4-5 | Holt Draw | 1
Sep 27 - Oct 4 | GSENM | 7
Sep 21-22 | Fancy Lake | 1
Sep 13-14 | Ingram Basin | 1
Sep 6-9 | Peru Creek, Soda Creek & Longs Peak CG | 3
Aug 30 - Sept 1 | Beartown & West Ute Lake | 2
Aug 21-24 | Wind Rivers | 3
Aug 10-11 | Frenchman Creek | 1
Aug 2-3 | Corkscrew Pass | 1
Jul 27-28 | Middle Cottonwood Creek | 1
Jul 26-27 | Spring Creek Pass | 1
Jul 21-22 | Jersey Jim Fire Lookout Tower | 1
Jul 19-21 | West Mancos River | 2
Jul 13-14 | Crater Lake | 1
Jul 5-6 | Miners Basin | 1
Jul 3-4 | Dominguez Rim | 1
Jun 28-30 | White River | 2
Jun 21-23 | Buckhorn Wash & Price River | 2
Jun 14-16 | Dolores River | 2
Jun 7-8 | Hondu Country | 1
May 30 - Jun 2 | Navajo National Monument | 3
May 24-26 | Cedar Mesa | 2
May 18-19 | Big Dominguez Canyon | 1
May 10-13 | San Juan River | 3
May 3-5 | Dinosaurland | 2
Apr 24-25 | Sand Island | 1
Apr 19-21 | Bears Ears | 2
Apr 10-14 | Salt Creek | 4
Apr 5-6 | Flat Top | 1
Mar 22-24 | The Needles | 2
Mar 14-17 | The Needles | 3
Jan 24-27 | Paria Plateau | 3
Jan 18-21 | Squaw Flat | 3

First Camp Morning
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Second Camp Morning
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Escalante River Camp
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr

Horse Canyon Camp
by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
I spent Tuesday through Sunday on the Green River between Ruby Ranch and Mineral Bottom. Weather was almost perfect except for some gusty winds on Friday that prevented us from floating around Bowknot Bend until the next morning.

Total: 23 Nights

1/18/2019 - Coconino National Forest, AZ (near Wupatki NM)
1/19/2019 - Wet Beaver Creek, AZ
1/20/2019 - The Rolls, AZ
2/1/2019 - Bull Creek (near Hanksville), UT
2/2/2019 - The Cove (GCNRA, Orange Cliffs), UT
3/22/2019 - Dalton Wells Road, UT
3/23/2019 - Dalton Wells Road, UT
3/30/2019 - Dalton Wells Road, UT
4/4/2019 - Temple Mountain, UT
4/5/2019 - Temple Mountain, UT
4/6/2019 - Temple Mountain, UT
5/24/2019 - The Spur, UT
5/25/2019 - The Spur, UT
5/26/2019 - Twin Corral Flats, UT
7/31/2019 - Keg Knoll, UT
8/30/2019 - Bull Creek, Henry Mountains, UT
9/1/2019 - Duchesne River Overlook, Uinta Mountains, UT
9/27/2019 - Gray Canyon, UT
10/1/2019 - Ruby Ranch, UT
10/2/2019 - F Canyon, UT
10/3/2019 - Below Hey Joe Canyon, UT
10/4/2019 - Across from Spring Canyon, UT
10/5/2019 - Horseshoe Canyon, UT

Ruby Ranch

Cottonwood at F Canyon

Sand bar below Hey Joe

Across the Green from Spring Canyon

Lantern in lieu of camp fire in Horseshoe Canyon
Closing in on this year's goal!

January 5-6 | Western Nebraska | 1 night (car camping)
January 8-9 | Poverty Flats | 1 night (car camping)
January 9-10 | Mojave National Preserve | 1 night (car camping)
January 12-21 | San Diego Trans-county Trail | 6 nights (backpacking)
January 22-23 | Near Mojave, CA | 1 night (car camping}
January 23-25 | California Riding & Hiking Trail, Joshua Tree NP | 2 nights (backpacking)
January 25-26 | Middle of nowhere CA | 1 night (car camping)
January 26-27 | Organ Mountains National Monument, NM | 1 night (car camping)
January 27-28 | Near White Sands National Monument, NM | 1 night (car camping)
January 28-29 | Black Gap WMA, TX | 1 night (car camping)
January 29-31 | Outer Mountain Loop, Big Bend NP | 2 nights (backpacking)
January 31-February 1 | River Road East, Big Bend NP | 1 night (car camping)
February 1-2 | Davis Mountains near Ft Davis, TX | 1 night (car camping)
February 2-5 | Near Carlsbad Caverns NP | 3 night (car camping)
February 5-6 | Fort Bowie National Historic Site, AZ | 1 night (car camping)
February 6-7 | Near Chiricahua National Monument, AZ | 1 night (car camping)
February 7-8 | Willcox, AZ | 1 night (car camping)
February 8-9 | Near Superior, AZ | 1 night (car camping)
February 9-11 | Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness | 2 nights (backpacking)
February 11-12 | Near Chiricahua National Monument | 1 night (car camping)
February 12-14 | Dragoon Mountains, AZ | 2 nights (car camping)
February 15-16 | Near Thoreau, NM | 1 night (car camping)
February 19-20 | Chaco Canyon | 1 night (car camping)
February 20-21 | McHood Park, Winslow AZ | 1 night (car camping)
February 22-24 | Winslow, AZ | 2 night (car camping)
February 24-25 | Seligman, AZ | 1 night (car camping)
February 25-28 | Havasu Falls with @Jammer | 3 nights (backpacking)
February 28-March 1 | McHood Park, Winslow, AZ | 1 night (car camping)
March 1-2 | Near Palo Duro Canyon | 1 night (car camping)
March 2-3 | Near Reno, OK | 1 night (car camping)
March 3-11 | Ozark Highlands Trail + Buffalo River Trail (Wollum to US65) | 8 nights (backpacking)
March 12-13 | Nature preserve near Springfield MO | 1 night (car camping)
March 25-May 1 | Route In Between (Arizona Trail Section) | 30 nights (Backpacking)*
May 1-15 | Route In Between (Deseret Hiking Route) - Kanab to Torrey | 10 nights (backpacking)**
May 27-June 18 | Oregon Coast Trail | 20 nights (backpacking)***
June 23-September 14 | Route In Between+Idaho Centennial Trail | 73 nights (backpacking)****
September 15-16 | Salmon, ID | 1 night (car camping)
September 25-26 | Sparks, NV | 1 night (car camping)
September 26-27 | Lake Washoe, NV | 1 night (car camping)
September 27-29 | ALDHA West Gathering, Nevada City, CA | 2 nights (car camping)
September 29-30 | Winnemucca, NV | 1 night (car camping)
October 4-6 | Fence/Twentyfive Mile Loop | 2 nights (backpacking)

*37 nights on trail, minus nights in Kearny x2, Superior, Pine, Flagstaff, and Jacob Lake x2
**14 nights on trail, minus nights in Kanab, Tropic x2, and Torrey
***22 nights on trail, minus nights in Newport and Florence
****83 nights on trail, minus nights in Ogden, Grace x2, Fort Hall, Arco, Kooskia, and Mullan x4)

Backpacking: 158
Car Camping: 37


Sometimes you just gotta hikertrash the lawn behind the old country store.

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