Bag Night Challenge 2015

YTD Total: 7 Nights

1 Night | Jan 30-31 @ 5th Water Hot Springs w/ @steve, @Tess, @Mike K, @LarryBoy, & @Sam De Vries
1 Night | Feb 15-16 @ Backyard campout w/ the kids
1 Night | Mar 18-19 @ Backyard, testing out Klymit X-Frame pad under Equinox Globe Skimmer tarp
1 Night | Apr 3-4 @ Frontyard - testing out some minor modifications on my hammock and tarp setup
2 Nights | Apr 9-11 @ Capitol Reef National Park
1 Night | May 24-25 @ Little Rock Canyon Overlook
Still on track for at least 1 night each month.
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slowly catching up....

Total: 14 nights

1/16- 1/18: Valley of the Gods, UT | 2 nights| with @pixie1339
3/6 -3/9: Alabama Hills, Eureka Dunes, The Racetrack , CA |3 nights| with @pixie1339
3/9/ -3/11 : Death Valley, CA |2 nights|
5/7-5/9: San Rafael Swell, UT | 2 nights|
5/21-5/22: San Rafael Swell, UT |1 night|
5/22-5/25: Salt Creek Canyon, UT | 3 nights| with @Tess , @steve
5/25/-5/26: San Rafael Swell, UT |1 night| with @Tess , @steve

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23 Nights

January 10 - backyard; sleeping pad warmth comparison
January 16 - 19 - Salt Creek Canyon; Canyonlands
January 30 - Fifth Water Hot Springs with @Tess , @steve , @Sam De Vries , @WasatchWill , and @Mike K
February 13-16 - Lower Grand Gulch (Collins Spring - San Juan River)
March 13-15 - Slickhorn Canyon
April 2-4 - Fish & Owl Canyons
April 25-May 3 - Hayduke Trail sections 2 & 3 (Moab - Hite)
May 22-25 - Under the Rim Trail; Bryce Canyon

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Total: 21

1 night - Jan 2 @ Moab with @Tess
1 night - Jan 9 @ a yurt in Liberty, ID with @Tess
1 night - Jan 16 @ Moab with @Tess
1 night - Jan 30 @ 5th water hot springs with @Tess, @LarryBoy, @Sam De Vries, @WasatchWill, and @Mike K
1 night - Feb 13 @ Wedge Overlook mountain biking with @Tess, @Mike K, and @Joel Smith
1 night - Feb 20 @ backyard testing a new tent
4 nights - March 12-16 @ White Rim Trail with @Sam De Vries, @Tess, @Joel Smith, and @jentzschman
4 nights - March 26-30 @ Canyonlands Figure 8 packrafting trip with @Tess and @Parma
3 nights - April 16-19 @ Zion NP with @Tess
3 nights - May 22-25 @ Salt Creek with @Tess and @Miss Buffalo
1 night - May 26t San Rafael Swell @Tess and @Miss Buffalo

you mean under the rim trail, Bryce? (not trying to be the grammar nazi). You're just one of the few others I've met who have hiked that trail.
Aha most definitely. I think you did it last year, yes? I actually was foiled last Memorial Day in my attempt to do the UTR trail, because most of the backcountry was shut down due to aggressive bear (read - dumb human) activity. My buddy and I were originally planning on doing a pretty rad adventure in the Sawtooths, before the recent fresh snow and terrible forecast for the weekend inspired us to look elsewhere, namely Bryce.

I strongly believe that while the UTR trail is awesome, it really needs to be extended on either end with the Riggs Springs loop and the Peekaboo, Navajo, and Fairyland loops on the north end. That's about 45 miles, and is great for a three-day weekend, without big long strenuous days. We did such a route (well, we nixed the Fairyland Loop due to approaching afternoon thunderstorms) and it's just amazing to be able to hike the entire length of the park. The diversity of terrain is greater, the journey feels more meaningful, and it's more time spent on the trail! Plus it's a great brainless hike to decompress from work or school or whatever. You don't need to bring a topo, the trails are well-graded and well-marked, and it's just a really pleasant experience. Well, a 15 hour rainstorm in a poncho-tarp isn't, but you get the point! :)
I think that's a good idea. We didn't tack on the pleasant hikes on the end, and it felt pretty dull.

We had plans to do the trail last year too, but that bear was still active at the time as well.
Feb 6 - Feb 8, 3 nites Grand Gulch
Mar 26 - Mar 29, 4 nites Escalante
Apr 26 - Apr 27, 2 nites Island Park
Apr 30 - May 3, 4 nites Death Hollow
May 10 - May 13, 4 nites Island Park
May 17 - May 23, 6 nites Island Park
May 25 - May 27, 3 nites Island Park ............. 26 total

Nothing much new.....same camp........lots of RAIN and RAIN .........
Cutting footing out of the foam, trimming edges to make it neat for inspection, almost done with radiant heat tubing....
Nothing much new.....same camp........lots of RAIN and RAIN .........
Cutting footing out of the foam, trimming edges to make it neat for inspection, almost done with radiant heat tubing....
Well at least that rain is keeping the fires down so you can stay home and work instead of work wildfires out of state. :)
No house money, have though......have to borrow more...... at this rate I'll have the shell up before fires start...if the rain quits.
Tonight will put me at 3 and more are on the way. I have a training at Curecanti NRA starting tomorrow and tonight I'm camping somewhere west of Delta CO
I don't remember exact dates and I'm too lazy to look them up but I at least remember # of nights and places.

March - 2 nights in the Uiantas (ski/yurt trip)
April - 3 nights in Moab (hiking and exploring
April - 3 nights in Escalante (backpacking and canyoneering)
May - 3 nights in North Wash (canyoneering)
May - 3 nights in San Rafael (hiking and relaxing)
May - 1 night in San Rafael (hiking)

15 total

Looks like I'm falling behind!
Feb 6 - Feb 8, 3 nites Grand Gulch
Mar 26 - Mar 29, 4 nites Escalante
Apr 26 - Apr 27, 2 nites Island Park
Apr 30 - May 3, 4 nites Death Hollow
May 10 - May 13, 4 nites Island Park
May 17 - May 23, 6 nites Island Park
May 25 - May 27, 3 nites Island Park
Jun 1 - Jun 2, 2 nites Island Park ......................28 total

Same camp........lots of RAIN and RAIN ......... now Mosquitos are out. Finished all foundation stuff, waiting for dry days to pour concrete..

YTD Total: 8 Nights

1 Night | Jan 30-31 @ 5th Water Hot Springs w/ @steve, @Tess, @Mike K, @LarryBoy, & @Sam De Vries
1 Night | Feb 15-16 @ Backyard campout w/ the kids
1 Night | Mar 18-19 @ Backyard, testing out Klymit X-Frame pad under Equinox Globe Skimmer tarp
1 Night | Apr 3-4 @ Frontyard - testing out some minor modifications on my hammock and tarp setup
2 Nights | Apr 9-11 @ Capitol Reef National Park
1 Night | May 24-25 @ Little Rock Canyon Overlook
1 Night | June 2-3 @ Silver Lake, AF Canyon

First daddy-daughter trip is in the books. Took my 4 year old up the high climbing 2 mile trail to Silver Lake. She did great. Trip was a success, except for the part where I left my keys in the ignition after rolling my windows up at the trailhead and came back to an absolutely dead battery. :facepalm:. I have 2 more daddy-daughter trips to go this month, and a father-sons this weekend. Still not decided if I'll do separate TRs for each or just one big one after the end of the month.

+4 after the Wilderness Ranger Academy at Curecanti NRA in CO. I never got a picture because my phone died but what a gorgeous area!

Total of 7 now.

I'll do a better job of organizing my dates when I can update this on my laptop instead of phone.
YTD Total: 9 Nights

1 Night | Jan 30-31 @ 5th Water Hot Springs w/ @steve, @Tess, @Mike K, @LarryBoy, & @Sam De Vries
1 Night | Feb 15-16 @ Backyard campout w/ the kids
1 Night | Mar 18-19 @ Backyard, testing out Klymit X-Frame pad under Equinox Globe Skimmer tarp
1 Night | Apr 3-4 @ Frontyard - testing out some minor modifications on my hammock and tarp setup
2 Nights | Apr 9-11 @ Capitol Reef National Park
1 Night | May 24-25 @ Little Rock Canyon Overlook
1 Night | June 2-3 @ Silver Lake, AF Canyon
1 Night | June 5-6 @ Hobble Creek Canyon
Total YTD: 22 Nights

Jan 17-19 > Solo at Powell > 2 Nights
March 5-8 > Backpacking Trachyte Creek > 3 Nights
March 21-24 > Glen Canyon > 3 Nights
Apr 30 - May 3 > Glen Canyon: Escalante > 3 Nights
May 14-18 > Glen Canyon: Crystal Springs/North Lake > 4 Nights
May 22-25 > Backpacking Grand Staircase > 3 Nights
June 4-8 > Glen Canyon: Iceberg Canyon > 4 Nights

INSANE trip to Glen Canyon. As if the countless waterfalls and great hiking in between wasn't enough, we were treated to a very large flash flood Saturday afternoon that was amongst the craziest floods I've ever even heard of, and definitely one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life. My boat was not far from getting destroyed by it. And the craziest part, it was a flash flood made of hail. Billions of balls of hail, some approaching golf ball size, all raging in a torrent of trees, muddy water and everything else that was unfortunate enough to be in it's path. So much that it compiled into a solid sheet of ice roughly a foot thick that blocked the canyon from wall to wall, trapping us until it melted the next day. Ironically, the canyon this all occurred in is called Iceberg Canyon.

I've got a ton of video coming, but here's a pic as the storm cleared. The white stuff is hail, not foam.

EDIT: Click on the pic to see it much larger with better detail of the ice flow.

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