Bag Night Challenge 2015

If @Artemus is going to start adding things up, guess I'll have to update myself :scatman:

YTD: 63

3 nights | Inca Trail- Andes Mountains, Peru. | January
3 nights | Canyonlands | January
2 nights | Robbers Roost | February
3 nights | Trachyte Creek | March
4 nights | Grand Canyon-Tuckup Canyon | March
4 nights | The Maze | April
2 nights | GSENM, Escalante River Gorge | April
3 nights | Glen Canyon, Escalante fishing | May
3 nights | GSENM, Sheffield Road Exploration | May
1 night | White Rocks, West Desert |May
3 nights | Glen Canyon National Recreation Area- Waterpocket Wandering | June
15 nights | Iceland | June
2 nights | Sweetwater Gap Nystrom Peek | July
2 nights | Ruby Horsetheif | July
1 night | Amethyst Basin, Uintas| August
1 night | Maple Canyon | August
2 nights | Amethyst Basin, Uintas | September
2 nights | GSENM The Gulch and shit | September
4 nights | Salt Creek Canyon, Canyonlands | October
3 nights | San Rafael Desert/Robbers Roost | November

Rainy Day Crescent Arch by slc_dan, on Flickr

Stupid fn' bear containers. :mad:
SC2 Morning by slc_dan, on Flickr

Sandstone in the Roost by slc_dan, on Flickr

Overlooking the Green by slc_dan, on Flickr

I'll be crazy excited if I can get in 70 this year, or maybe just a few more. I'm looking at a couple trips so it just may happen.

Next year is going to be a big change. We're having our first child in May! I'll still get out, but be lucky to get even half of what I got this year.
It took a little t-shirt competition by @Nick to get you do your updates ???

Great photo and huge props - you will be a fabulous father, my friend.
@Artemus! You gotta stop spreading this t-shirt myth or I'm going to have to give away a handcrafted one. One of a kind right here! Me and a can of black spray paint after a stop at walley world!

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I love it! Except that isn't the new backpacker mag logo :) Boy, we are starting unwarranted rumors galore this week.

Full disclosure: I have no control over possible site contest award disbursement. At least as an individual, but we as A COMMUNITY have a voice. Speak up. Should we have some trinkets for the winner of the bag night contest ? (Oh wait, how do I insert a poll again?)
Sorry LB. I didn't disrespect you, I just missed your tally. Is it here or could you update please and I will fix it. :facepalm:
No love for me... poor me!

But seriously I think I've got one more night this weekend in me and then I'm done for the year. Tough to get away for a weekend in December, what with church and Christmas parties and all sorts of commitments.
No love for me... poor me!

But seriously I think I've got one more night this weekend in me and then I'm done for the year. Tough to get away for a weekend in December, what with church and Christmas parties and all sorts of commitments.
Poor, poor pitiful me ;)

I understand that you are at 52 ?????
No love for me... poor me!

But seriously I think I've got one more night this weekend in me and then I'm done for the year. Tough to get away for a weekend in December, what with church and Christmas parties and all sorts of commitments.
Updated Leaderboard
- we have a new leader in the merely human section - Underscore!

==== Nosebleed Section =======
@Joey - unknown - may be 320???
@Ben - unknown - may be 319???
@Bob - 111
@NateGeesaman - 76
@DAA - lifetime honorable mention

===== Everyone Else ==========
@slc_dan - 63
@Scott Chandler - 53
@Miss Buffalo - 52
@LarryBoy - 52
@Artemus - 51
@Nick - 48
@pixie1339 - 46
@steve - 40
and more.... (please report errors I made)
These may be my last bag nights until the end of the year. One of the nicest perks of my new job is that I get a week and a half off work over Christmas and New Years. I'm planning to end this year and begin the new one with a week in the Arizona desert. :cool:

46 nights total

Jan. 16th-18th: 2 nights, Valley of The Gods with @Miss Buffalo
Jan. 31st-Feb. 1st: 1 night, Antelope Island
Feb. 13th-16th: 3 nights, Valley of Fire
Mar. 5th-9th: 4 nights, Virgin River Gorge, Alabama Hills, Eureka Dunes, and The Racetrack with @Miss Buffalo
Mar. 20th-22nd: 2 nights, Indian Creek
Apr. 2nd-5th: 3 nights, La Verkin Overlook, Grand Canyon South Rim
May 1st-4th: 3 nights, near Torrey, Willow Gulch, 40 Mile Ridge Road
May 7th-10th: 3 nights, Salt Creek Canyon
May 23rd-25th: 2 nights, Comb Wash
June 19th-21st: 2 nights, all girl camping trip in Flaming Gorge
June 27th-29th: 1 night, Naomi Lake, Uintas
July 3rd-7th: 4 nights, Rocky Mountain National Park
July 18th-19th: 1 night Christmas Meadows, Uintas
July 24th-26th: 2 nights, Clegg Lake & Ibantik Lake, Uintas
Aug. 8th-10th: 2 nights, Dead Horse Lake, Uintas
Aug. 28th-30th: 2 nights, Christmas Meadows, Kermsuh Lake, Uintas
Sept. 12th-13th: 1 night, Hell Hole Lake, Uintas
Sept 19th-20th: 1 night, Christmas Meadows, Uintas
Sept 26th-27th: 1 night, Christmas Meadows, Uintas
Oct. 15th-16th: 1 night, Dog Lake, Wasatch
Oct. 31st-Nov. 1st: 1 night, Capitol Reef
Nov. 6th-8th: 2 nights, Smiths Mesa with @Miss Buffalo
Nov. 27th-29th: 2 nights, Telephone Cove, Lake Mohave

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Beam of light at sunrise over Lake Mohave
I'm done for the year at 111 nites..... Bunking in the house now, besides we have 3 feet of snow in the driveway now....

This pic there is 29" of snow.......received over 12" last week.......but I am home till Jan.
I made it to my goal of 50 for the year! That puts me well under the leaders on the board, but it's the most nights I've been out in a year so far. Woohoo!

50 nights total

Jan. 16th-18th: 2 nights, Valley of The Gods with @Miss Buffalo
Jan. 31st-Feb. 1st: 1 night, Antelope Island
Feb. 13th-16th: 3 nights, Valley of Fire
Mar. 5th-9th: 4 nights, Virgin River Gorge, Alabama Hills, Eureka Dunes, and The Racetrack with @Miss Buffalo
Mar. 20th-22nd: 2 nights, Indian Creek
Apr. 2nd-5th: 3 nights, La Verkin Overlook, Grand Canyon South Rim
May 1st-4th: 3 nights, near Torrey, Willow Gulch, 40 Mile Ridge Road
May 7th-10th: 3 nights, Salt Creek Canyon
May 23rd-25th: 2 nights, Comb Wash
June 19th-21st: 2 nights, all girl camping trip in Flaming Gorge
June 27th-29th: 1 night, Naomi Lake, Uintas
July 3rd-7th: 4 nights, Rocky Mountain National Park
July 18th-19th: 1 night Christmas Meadows, Uintas
July 24th-26th: 2 nights, Clegg Lake & Ibantik Lake, Uintas
Aug. 8th-10th: 2 nights, Dead Horse Lake, Uintas
Aug. 28th-30th: 2 nights, Christmas Meadows, Kermsuh Lake, Uintas
Sept. 12th-13th: 1 night, Hell Hole Lake, Uintas
Sept 19th-20th: 1 night, Christmas Meadows, Uintas
Sept 26th-27th: 1 night, Christmas Meadows, Uintas
Oct. 15th-16th: 1 night, Dog Lake, Wasatch
Oct. 31st-Nov. 1st: 1 night, Capitol Reef
Nov. 6th-8th: 2 nights, Smiths Mesa with @Miss Buffalo
Nov. 27th-29th: 2 nights, Telephone Cove, Lake Mohave
Dec. 27th-30th: 3 nights, Superstition Mountains
Dec. 31st-Jan. 1st: 1 night Tuscon Mountain Park

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I neglected to report my bag nights earlier in 2015. Better late than never I suppose!

19 nights total, all during a 3 week roadtrip from Texas

1 night- 4/9: El Morro Natl Monument, NM
1 night- 4/10: Bisti Badlands Wilderness Area, NM
1 night- 4/11: Crow Canyon, NM
1 night- 4/12: Chaco Canyon Natl Park, NM
1 night- 4/13: Sand Island campground, UT
7 nights- 4/14-4/20: Cedar Mesa
(4/21- hotel)
1 night- 4/22: outside Natural Bridges Natl Mon
1 night- 4/23: Horseshoe Canyon trailhead, Canyonlands NP
2 nights- 4/24-4/25: outside northern Capitol Reef
2 nights- 4/26-4/27: outside southern Capitol Reef
1 night- 4/28: Santa Fe National Forest, NM

The promise of rain over Capitol Reef.
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Evening light over Bullfrog Creek.
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Total YTD: 49 Nights

Jan 17-19 > Solo at Powell > 2 Nights
March 5-8 > Backpacking Trachyte Creek > 3 Nights
March 21-24 > Glen Canyon > 3 Nights
Apr 30 - May 3 > Glen Canyon: Escalante > 3 Nights
May 14-18 > Glen Canyon: Crystal Springs/North Lake > 4 Nights
May 22-25 > Backpacking Grand Staircase > 3 Nights
June 4-8 > Glen Canyon: Iceberg Canyon > 4 Nights
July 2-7 > Reflection Canyon > 5 Nights
July 24-26 > Green River Lakes > 2 Nights
Aug 3-5 > Ruby Horsethief > 2 Nights
Sept 2-8 > Glen Canyon with the family > 6 Nights
Sept 25-27 > Toroweap > 2 Nights
Oct 7-12 > Lower, Lower Escalante > 4 Nights
Oct 23-25 > Woody > 2 Nights
Nov 5-8 > Robber's Roost > 3 Nights
Dec 31-Jan 2 > Alstrom Point > 2 Night (one in 2016)

I didn't hit 50 this year, but on the bright side, I already have one on the books for 2016. Always a good way to get things started. And it was a fun way to break in the new truck too. The last sunset of 2015 didn't have many clouds where I was, but the view was great.

2015 Total - 57 nights

January 24th - 2 nights in Leeds Creek
March 14th -1- Silver Mtns north of Wendover
March 26th -4- Tuckup canyon descent with @lostlandscapes, @slc_dan and Mandy - Grand Canyon
May 1st -4- Death Hollow descent with @Joey, @Bob and Mike - @Bob's trip report here
May 8th -2- Spencer Flat road camp - Escalante
June 8th -6- Jellystone chasing wolves
June 26th -2- Uintas 4 lakes basin
July 10 -2- Windies walkabout at Sweetwater gap with friends @slc_dan and Mya
July 16 -4- Windies near south pass
August 1 -2- Jellystone trying to keep up with @scatman, his son and Ryan
August 13 -3- Wind Rivers - Temple Peak area
August 30 -2- Gros Ventres - really trying to keep up on @scatman's route with @Joey and @Ben
Sept 6 -7- Climb Wham Ridge backcountry San Juan mountains - trip report here
Sept 19th -1- Uintahs - Amethyst Lake triumphant return with my sweetie and @lostlandscapes
October 16th - 2- Birthday Trip to the Winds at Big Sandy Opening
October 29 -3- Yosemite NP and the Nevada Toyabe Range
November 26 -4- Circle Cliffs/Long Canyon/ etc. etc.
December 26 - 6 nights at Alstrom Point with family and partly with @Nick, @slc_dan, and @ashergrey

My annual totals:
Green means Great.
Orange means Not So Great.

2015: 57 !!! personal best for this careered workaholic
2014: 36
2013: 45
2012: 45
2011: 36
2010: 47
2009: 24
2008: 41
2007: 40
2006: 54 !!
2005: 38
2004: 24
2003: 26
2002: 39

High above Lake Powell, Navajo Mountain in the background, supermodel in the center
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Draft Updated Leaderboard
- I will give it a week to do a final update for the contest. I KNOW some of you were out over the holiday

KUDOS! to all of you, even if you aren't in the top 10, for making your time outside count (and counting it..)

===== Bag Night Aficionados ==========
@Bob - 111
@NateGeesaman - 76
@slc_dan - 63 - 64
@Artemus - 57
@Scott Chandler - 53
@LarryBoy - 52 - 53
@Miss Buffalo - 52
@pixie1339 - 50
@Nick - 49
@steve - 40
and more.... (please report errors I made)

==== Nosebleed Section (Don't count in contest because they don't keep score here) =======
@Joey - unknown - may be 320 ???
@Ben - unknown - may be 119 ???
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What year does Dec 31 count for? Is it 2015, or 2016? I have 64 if it's 2015, but I wasn't in bed until 2016 ;)
Draft Updated Leaderboard
- I will give it a week to do a final update for the contest. I KNOW some of you were out over the holiday

KUDOS! to all of you, even if you aren't in the top 10, for making your time outside count (and counting it..)

===== Bag Night Aficionados ==========
@Bob - 111
@NateGeesaman - 76
@slc_dan - 63 - 64
@Artemus - 57
@Scott Chandler - 53
@Miss Buffalo - 52
@LarryBoy - 52
@pixie1339 - 50
@Nick - 49
@steve - 40
and more.... (please report errors I made)

==== Nosebleed Section (Don't count in contest because they don't keep score here) =======
@Joey - unknown - may be 320 ???
@Ben - unknown - may be 119 ???
I think I have 53...

January 10-11 - backyard; sleeping pad warmth comparison
January 16 - 19 - Salt Creek Canyon; Canyonlands
January 30-February 1 - Fifth Water Hot Springs with @Tess , @steve , @Sam De Vries , @WasatchWill , and @Mike K
February 13-16 - Lower Grand Gulch (Collins Spring - San Juan River)
March 13-15 - Slickhorn Canyon
April 2-4 - Fish & Owl Canyons
April 25-May 3 - Hayduke Trail sections 2 & 3 (Moab - Hite)
May 22-25 - Under the Rim Trail; Bryce Canyon
June 12-14 - Brown Duck Mountain Loop; Uintas with @Sam De Vries
June 26-27 - Four Lakes Basin; Uintas
July 2-4 - Sunburn Loop; Uintas
July 18-25 (only 5 bag nights) - Hundred Mile Wilderness; Appalachian Trail
August 14-22 - Wind River Fun Route
August 28-29 - Amethyst Basin
September 4-7 - Sawtooths
September 18-19 - Mt Superior, Lake Blanche route
October 2-3 - Grizzly Gulch; Wasatch
October 9-12 - Hayduke Trail section 4 (Hite-Hanksville)
October 31-November 1 - Lower Muley Twist Canyon; Capitol Reef
November 2-4 - The Needles; Canyonlands

53 nights outside, while working 60 hrs/week and frequent church commitments on the weekends. Fantastic year!

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