Backpacking Mt Zirkel Wilderness

Scott Chandler

Wildness is a necessity- John Muir
Jan 4, 2014

After a month of fairly unexciting times work wise (hard to believe as a wilderness ranger) I had a long weekend to fill. Considering I prefer to play away from where I do my business, I wanted to get away from the Bighorns. A month before I had driven through northern Colorado and been beckoned by the mountains out there. So fairly last minute I looked at my wilderness map and decided to investigate the Mt Zirkel Wilderness.

An entirely too long drive (that is the big issue with the Bighorns...everything else that is cool is 4+ hours away it seems) saw me nearing my target.
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In my quick research I found a trailhead that looked like it might yield some nice results: the Lake Katherine TH. Upon getting there I discovered that I should have looked at the scale of the map I found because the end of the trail was only 3 miles in. Oops. Great for tonight, maybe bad for the couple days to come. Oh well, I arrived at the TH as two other groups were readying and dilly dallying might cost me a nice campsite.

So off I went and boy was it pretty.
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I decided to forgo Lake Katherine for that night and went to the end of the trail at Bighorn (ha!) Lake.

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Looking at maps I knew that the CDT sat up above me somewhere. So even though the trail ended here...maybe getting up on the cliffs would be doable and I would be able to do more extensive exploring. I scouted out a possible path up before passing out. Well sorta passing out. A group of deer sure liked my camp that evening and kept waking me up. I even had a buck with a nice rack staring in my tent at me and later licking at a spot where I'd peed. Crazy animals.

The next morning started out gorgeous.
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After tromping through the woods I found the way up; a slide currently almost full of snow. Going around the snow got me up to the ridge. Steep, but doable.
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Topping out on the ridge yielded a view into the Lake Katherine drainage. Kinda took the breathe away.
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The views from the ridge were nice as I headed towards the "summit." The ridge itself was even a pleasant walk.Mt Zirkel-RMNP-25.jpg
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Not only was my selected trail short but it also happened to be between two more rugged spots of the range. Awesome mountains towered to the south and north, and I had mellow walking where I was. Aside from snow and snowmelt gardens it was pretty nice walking.
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Above Bighorn Lake.
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Mt Zirkel and company taunted me to the north but worsening snow drifts and changing weather turned me away.
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So I wandered along the CDT for a bit before heading back down to my peaceful camp.

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And the next morning I flew down the trail, pausing for flowers and hiking up to Lake Katherine.
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I decided to take the scenic route back the Buffalo, no point in getting home early right? So I made the drive through Rocky Mountain National Park. All I can say is wow and I want to get into it!

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So yeah, great times. I now have even more of a desire to explore Colorado. Hopefully I'll get to soon but fore now I have to settle with my Bighorns. Patrols start this weekend so good things are to come!

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Ahhhh, memories. Spent a couple years working for the Arapaho-Roosevelt NF out of Ft Collins back in the early 70's and Mt Zirkel was the favored area to spend the free time. Had some very pleasant trips there, including one south to north traverse of most of it. Really fantastic flower gardens out on top. Still have some slides somewhere from those.
Another great report as usual @Scott Chandler. Boy those mountains sure look like they could use some grizzly bears to keep them company. I know, wishful thinking on my part. Thanks for sharing.
Another great report as usual @Scott Chandler. Boy those mountains sure look like they could use some grizzly bears to keep them company. I know, wishful thinking on my part. Thanks for sharing.
One could only hope. Wait. Let's continue to work to promote the restoration of the natural world to its natural state too.
Let's continue to work to promote the restoration of the natural world to its natural state too.
Are you suggesting maybe we should all be investing in Jonestown Kool Aid? Sorry, but that's the only way the world will ever get back to a natural state. Given time, the G-bears will be back in Colorado-all on their own even if WY wants to shoot all of them that step outside the Parks.
Are you suggesting maybe we should all be investing in Jonestown Kool Aid? Sorry, but that's the only way the world will ever get back to a natural state. Given time, the G-bears will be back in Colorado-all on their own even if WY wants to shoot all of them that step outside the Parks.

It was more of a hopeful goal then a directive. :cool:
It was interesting to read your TR because I don't have fond memories of the MT Zirkel Wilderness. The last time I was there (more than 10 years ago) my trip was characterized by unexpected things - most of which were bad. Worst mosquitoes I've ever seen. Bushwacked through a lot of deadfall. My first experience with having knee problems. Unfortunately it was both knees and while I've had knee problems since, I've never had problems with both knees at the same time and its never been as bad as that time. Couldn't sleep cause of knee pain and mosquitoes. To top it off, when I got to the continental divide there was an ATV trail there. Watched lots of ATV caravans go by. There's just something wrong about ATV's in the back country. And while I was repelled by them I was partly jealous cause my knees were giving me so much trouble. I seriously considered asking for a ride but, in the end, stubborn pride won out and I abused my knees some more. All in all, everything contributed to me missing really seeing the scenery and I didn't take a camera to enjoy it after the fact. So, I was glad to see that there weren't any ATVs in your pictures and I enjoyed seeing the scenery.
@Curt don't you hate it when that happens. My trip was very last minute and I had an experience like yours wondering in the back of my mind. "Surely Wilderness, even CO Wilderness, will be fine." I was extremely satisfied though. It just goes to show that every wilderness trip is different, even to the same place.