Anyone ever seen black widow spiders in Utah?

John Kerby

Feb 18, 2013
Curious.....Going to Death Hollow in 5 weeks. Bringing gloves to help protect my hands. Internet says they are common to Utah. I know on the boulder mail trial I have seen tons of small little holes in the ground, usually at the base of plants, and I assume these are some kind of critter....

Anyone ever see one?
I've seen them here, but I usually see them in people's sheds.
I don't know about Utah, but we have them all over the place in CA. Even when they're everywhere, it's pretty hard to get bitten. They like to live in secluded dark areas like old woodpiles (and sheds). I don't believe they live in the ground, and I don't think you'll need gloves for protection against them on the trail.
Spiders, snakes, bears, mountain lions...all irrational fears. Go have fun, enjoy nature. Now humans on the other have more to fear from crazy people than critters. Doubtful you will see any of those in Death Hollow either.
See them in St. George at my mail box everyday , Ogden one rode home in the car in a box of apples next to my at the time 10 month old baby boy, Moab every time I camp out at slickrock, Gooseberry Mesa one tried my shoe on for size. and many other times. They are here in abundance in some places and not so much in others but I have never been bit. Freaking hate eight legged critters.

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Yep, they are not at all uncommon, but don't worry about it. This is spot on:

Spiders, snakes, bears, mountain lions...all irrational fears. Go have fun, enjoy nature. Now humans on the other have more to fear from crazy people than critters. Doubtful you will see any of those in Death Hollow either.
Yes..... a lot of places. I'd fear a rattlesnake more, actually saw one in DH.
I have means to protect myself from people, but not from a black widow. Thats a serious thing right there. How could a person survive a bite down there? Rattle snakes....I would say that yes, thats a bit unnnerving too, but I have heard that rattle snakes do not always envenom people. Especially adults. I have heard they give warning bites sometimes. Younger ones more apt to envenom....A black widow on the other hand? I believe they just give you a dose no matter what.

How useful are the snake bite suction kits? I have one, yellow colored, that has a syringe like plunger that sucks the tissue. Useful at all?

Believe me, I will absolutely love it. Won't be that nervous on the hike.....Do you guys cover your bags at night? Do you just leave your bags out at night? Any danger in spiders/snakes getting into your hiking bag and hitching a ride?

Taking 5 other people total. Me, my childhood (and still) best friend, his 2 brothers, his father, and another friend of theirs. The father is 58, but pretty healthy. Was snorkeling a few months ago in the carrabean, so he should be good to go.
:frantic:HA Eric, told you a guy on here had seen one in DH ....(friend is reading this site, preping for the trip....)
You could try this...

IF you ever take a snakebite kit with you, get an Sawyer extractor. But I wouldn't bother, if you don't use it right it can do more harm than good. I've been bit by a poisonous snake, it sucks but in the end its a great story for the kids. You'll live.
Ok, I have a sawyer extractor.....In a small 3x5 inch yellow box? Is this the recommended bite kit? How did you survive the bite? Were you out hiking?

Maybem, as I am the leader taking 5 people on this trip, I feel a greater sense of responsibility to be ready. Crazy....
I've seen a bunch too.

This one was out on The Swell.


It's almost straight up from the dogs head, where all the cracks kind of come together on the ceiling of the rock shelter. Was checking out the pictographs visible on the ceiling.


I've definitely been bug bit. Plenty of times. No idea what kind of bugs. But plenty of evidence that my hide had been getting chewed on during the night. Red bumps, sores, swelling, itching, etc.

I've heard that black widow bites are very rarely lethal. The bite will, however, make you pretty sick. I've also heard the sawyer extractor doesn't actually help with snake bites.
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The Sawyer may have helped me avoid any tissue damage because the suction cups were used so quickly after my bite(s). Don't know for sure to be honest. If it gives you peace of mind take it. At the very least you can throw it at the snake to scare it away.
Current medical info is throw away your suction things........usually causes much more damage. Bjett, you may have gotten little or no venom. Snakes can control what they give out.
Oh he loaded me up with plenty of venom. Enough to swell my leg up for 2 weeks requiring crutches. Regardless I agree that snakebite kits are pretty worthless even after that incident.
Wife is a nurse, she told me suction things are worthless.