A real good reason to live outdoors


Jun 11, 2017
So, I was in Montana for the 5.8 earthquake (not far from where I was at).

I was staying in a friend's old big two-story brick house, probably one of the worst places you can be in an earthquake.

It dawned on me that when one lives in the Intermountain Seismic Belt, it might be a good idea to live in a yurt or tent or even just outdoors. A lot of people think it's dangerous to camp ("What about all those wild animals?" someone once asked me), but I think it's safer than being indoors.

No real reason for this post except to ponder if houses are all they're cracked up to be (no pun intended).
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Having been inside and outside for several earthquakes, all I can say is that they are friggin' awesome to experience. I do prefer to be outside for them, for the reason you stated. But they do wake up zombies which brings it's own set of hazards.
I get your point about a two story brick house but lightning storms are far more prevalent down here in southern Arizona and a nice little house feels so comfortable.

The last earthquake I experienced here was June 29, 2014. Girlfriend was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I felt the bed shake like two terriers had just jumped up onto it. Our dogs have been gone for some years now. I took the flashlight and looked under the bed, all over after that. She never said anything and I didn't want to look like I had lost it so kept mum. The news the next day said a 5.2 hit near the New Mexico border about 90 miles away and that about half of the residents here felt it. The other half had no clue.

However it had been brutally hot here this summer so I'll take my chances under a nice cooler running out cold air into the house after a very early morning hike. LOL
That big old two-story brick house has undoubtedly made it through a number of Montana earthquakes over the years, and it will probably survive a few more.

And I need to point out that in the largest and deadliest earthquake in Montana history -- at Hebgen Lake in 1959 -- the casualties weren't residents of old brick houses. They were ... campers.

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