5 nights, 50 miles in the Uintas

The nicest people you'll ever meet will be in the backcountry. It's a fraternity of sorts. It's a place people go to slow down and really understand things. I think that's why it's hard for people who truly love the outdoors to go home, because everything just makes sense in the backcountry. Thanks for the report. I need to do more in the Uintahs.
@DAA or @Nick I've read both of your trip reports through the upper rock creek basin. Nick took the right fork just past Black Lake, past Lightning Lake to Helen. Dave took the left fork going past Rosalie & Gladys Lake to Helen Lake. Do either of you have an opinion on which trail is a better route - more picturesque, better quality trail, etc? Would either of you know an approximate mileage difference between the two trails?

Just eye-balling it I'm guessing they're similar in distance.

I had decided to follow NIck's path, but after looking at Dave's pictures and descriptions I'm torn . . . Advice is greatly appreciated!
Dave's route looks longer to me, but I'd definitely do that if you have the time/energy. Those upper west side lakes look fantastic.

I'd go the upper/Rosalie/Gladys route. It's both more scenic and more level. Once you climb up to Rosalie, which isn't a hard climb, it's pretty easy walking all the way around to Helen. Going Black/Lightning, you drop down at first but then have to come back up a pretty long steep climb and much of it is in the trees without a view.

DAA, can you please tell me where shower springs is located in regard to the lakes in the area. I will be hiking a big loop from Moonlake resort in August and I definitely don't want to miss that cold fresh water before going over Deadhorse Pass. Thanks, Shawn P.
I didn't record the location, but looking at a map, I believe it's in the cliff area due north of Fall lakes.


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