2018 Backcountry Post Shirts

I'm in.
You guys are great, but I would be too busy trying to figure out where Ben's guess the map spot is and lead us all off the nearest cliff. I think the honor should go to @Jeffrey Chandler who came up with the original Fremont Peak meme (or whatever you call it). After seeing his TR of hanging around in Glacier, I think he would be a fine expedition leader. :wavespin:

So, Jeffrey, just when is this expedition, and do you have all the logistics figured out yet?
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lol yeah if anyone gets the fremont peak support team leader shirt it'd either be me or rockskipper .
I'm in Nick.

It seems like a few years ago you had a mock-up of the cairn on the back with all
the BCP locations over the cairn. I liked that.

Or you could ask your top 50 posters to choose a location and they get placed

Personally, I like the BackCountryPost.com under the cairn. It would make my
life a lot easier. I mean, when I'm out to formal events wearing a tie and my
current BCP shirt (which doesn't have BackCountryPost.com under the cairn)
people keep asking what the logo is and I have to explain.

As for material, I like and buy the Dri Fit type shirts. Not sure if that's what you're
referring to.

Let's make it happen!
The new shirt will most likely have an artsty tag cloud that forms a cairn. I'm creating the cloud right now with a lot of 'big places' like national parks, monuments, etc. and I'll also be sure to put in a lot of smaller places that are beloved. If you want to see a particular place(s) in the tag cloud, let it be known now. Fremont Peak is in. :)
I'm in for at least 5...maybe more. But not purple. 50 shades of gray, or orange....or blue. But not purple. Would love to see a design.

Edit: Tetons would be my prefered location - tag cloud
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I'm partial to grey or earth tones. don't much like bright colors, especially in the backcountry.
Places I'd like to see in the artsy cloud for my selfish reasons:
Upper Muley Twist
I like a mixture of specific locations (Amethyst Lake) and general areas (Absarokas). Just no giving away people's secret spots on the shirts! :)

I'm also a fan of "features" being a part of the tag cloud - say Fifty Mile Mountain, the Waterpocket Fold, Superstition Range, etc. Idk about other people, but I generally think in terms of places rather than formal designations - say, Cedar Mesa, rather than Bears Ears National Monument. The former, probably more than the latter, brings a smile to my face when I think about it. Plus then people ask you about these neat places and you get to introduce them. Just my 0.02. But I'll buy a shirt or two either way :)
Can't wait to see what you come up with. How about a canyony sandstone color or perhaps a nice light brown poop color?
I'm in for a shirt regardless, but I'd like some east coast love along with all the western places, maybe Smokies or Appalachians

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