2018/2019 Snowpack and Water Year

9ft, that's a lot of snow @Artemus . Here we just get that nuisance snow 2-3x per week. Great you got rid of the ice dam, they can do a lot of water damage inside the house. That must have been "fun" getting hot water up on the edge of the roof. Did your wife get any photos of that, while you were juggling the hose on a ladder (ideally wearing your orange BCP beanie)? I have been surprised none of you mentioned ice dams with all that snow on the roof. Friends of ours had to install a heat tape one winter after getting rid of the ice dam
Oh don't worry, I have to begrudgingly use one 15' section of heat tape too. I am an electricity consumption Nazi so it irks me but without it I get water intrusion in the garage and with it, no water backup and intrusion.

Sorry no pics, my wife averted her eyes when I was up there doing it due to the roofalanche risk. The task wasn't that hard since I have hot water plumbed in the garage. The risk wasn't that high either due to clever positioning of my ladder and a refusal to be cowed... Worked perfectly and got big chunks to come down without breaking windows or damaging the siding as has happened in the past.
Wait, is that a 737-800 ?!?!?

Rick just checked, it was a 787 with those new electonically dimmable LCD windows. Empty flight....
Eel river has so much water in it, fantastic to see. Hope to get some Redwood hiking in this week in Prairie Creek SP and Jedediah Smith Redwood SP.
Well, this is on topic but a small diversion from our facts and figures. This is an internet meme from when memes were passed around on paper. It was popular for those of us that can outlast winter in snow country and describes the new move-ins well. This year I am starting to think it describes my feelings about snow too... @Bob knows what I am talking about... and @Rockskipper...

December 8
It started snowing at about six in the evening, the first snow of the season. My wife and I took our cocktails and sat by the window watching the soft flakes drift down over the area.....it was beautiful !!!!

December 9
We awoke to a big beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering the landscape.......what a fantastic sight! Every tree and shrub covered with a beautiful mantle of white! I shoveled for the first time in years and I loved it! I did both the driveway and the sidewalk. Later, the snowplow came by and covered the end of the driveway with snow from the street, so I cleaned it again.

December 12
The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Ah well, I’m sure we'll get some more before the enjoyable winter is over.

December 14
It snowed 8 inches last night and the temperature dropped to 20 below zero. I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk again; the snowplow came by and did its thing again!!

December 15
Sold the Honda and bought a 4x4 Rubicon Jeep so I can get to work. Also bought snow tires for the other car.

December 16
Fell on my ass on the ice in the driveway, but all that was hurt was my feelings!

December 19
Still cold! Icy roads and fog make for very, very difficult driving.

December 20
Had another 14 inches of the white shit last night; more shoveling in store for me today, and the damn snowplow came by twice!

December 22
We are assured of a white Christmas because of 13 more inches of white shit that fell today; and with this freezing weather it won't melt until august or thereabouts. Had 2 shots of brandy, then got all dressed up (boots, jump-suit, heavy jacket, scarf, ear muffs, gloves, boots, etc) just to go out and shovel, then I got the sudden urge to pee!

December 24
If I ever catch the SOB who drives that snowplow, I'll drag him through the snow by his privates! I think he hides around the corner and waits for me to finish shoveling, and then he comes down the street at 100 mph and throws snow all over the driveway and what used to be my lawn!

December 25
Merry Christmas! They predict another 20 inches of the damned white stuff tonight! Do they know how many shovels full of snow 20 inches is? To hell with Santa; he doesn't have to shovel this shit! The snowplow driver came by last night asking for a donation. I hit him on the head with my snow shovel!!

December 26
We got 28 inches and then some! I must be going snow blind or have a severe case of cabin fever, because my wife is beginning to resemble Christie Brinkley!!

December 27
The toilet froze. If you go outside, don't eat yellow snow

December 28
I set fire to the house! Now that white shit won't leak through the roof!!!!!

Me and my snow shovel. I AM the snowplow driver so I have no one else to blame:
Lol..... I pay someone to do the driveway. The road is done by a Huge blower and he doesn't pile it in like a plow. We are loving it..... But big difference being retired.... Dont have to go anywhere .. sit by fire and watch it snow thru the 20 foot windows
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Lol..... I pay someone to do the driveway. The road is done by a Huge blower and he doesn't pile it in like a plow. We are loving it..... But big difference being retired.... Dont have to go anywhere .. sit by file and watch it snow thru the 20 foot windows
@Bob, just out of curiosity how much do you pay them? Do they work Parley's Summit too? :rolleyes:
With high pressure finally moving in, I think this could be the high point for this map. What a winter!
If I was an owner of a bunch of rubber floatie things I would besides myself with excitement....
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Snowpack Sierra Nevada this morning. @wsp_scott - do you have another trip planned this year?

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I have 8 nights in SEKI planned for the 1st week of August and all this snow is making nervous since right now my permit has me going over Shepherd Pass which sometimes has snow linger late in normal years. Everything suggests that this is a little above "normal" :)

cool photo to see all the snow from above
I have 8 nights in SEKI planned for the 1st week of August and all this snow is making nervous since right now my permit has me going over Shepherd Pass which sometimes has snow linger late in normal years. Everything suggests that this is a little above "normal" :)

You should be fine by Aug if it the massive 2011 snowpack was any indication (2019 left, 2011 right). I spent a ton of time in the Sierra in 2011 starting Memorial Day weekend. By Aug there was minor snow left (not ice axe/crampon worthy) on the shady side of Lamarck Col (11.4k ft).

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