2017/2018 Snow Pack - or not

The Bird had 6-12" on the ground this morning and it was lightly snowing throughout the day. Very nice powder but there were a lot of rocks lurking under the fresh. Kind of like playing Minesweeper.
We just came back from Yellowstone's Northern Range. Lots of snow up that way this year.


It looks like Boise will be close to 60 again next week.
Now here in this period of late February and early March, some good storms have passed thru here in NW Wyoming which has greatly added to the snowpack in the area. This here below is the latest percentage in Wyoming of what an areas snowpack condition to normal conditions is at present.

Snake River Drainage ... 121%
Madison-Gallatin Drainage ... 129%
Yellowstone Drainage ... 167%
Shoshone River ... 167%
Wind River Drainage ... 123%
Bighorn Basin ... 130%
Powder River ... 124%
Upper Green River ... 121%
Lower Green River ... 86%
Upper Bear River ... 74%
Upper North Platte ... 87%

Wishing Everyone the Best!
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Thanks Nick! This is sad to see the Southwest still is being soooo dry and the snowpack so little. Guess this means all the moisture that has been falling as of late here in Jackson Hole and the area here has not made it down south. Did hear that the Sierra's were expected to get 7 feet of snow which will help the Sierra's. Just hope that the Southwest doesn't burn up this next summer.


I'm curious as to what this mean for Lake Powell levels. Will this will make some of the lower canyons of the Escalante more accessible? (Fifty mile, for example). Or are they pretty much at their lowest right now?
I believe lake Powell will still increase in depth due to spring runoff - it just won’t come up as much as normal. @Nick ?

I’ll bet the mid-elevation, south slope Uintas are open for walking now and the north side soon. We will be in the Utah high country very early thi s year. Again! Windies, not so much.
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haha! That's great. I've had the backcountry skiing on my mind lately as well.
With the moisture we've had in Montana the past couple of weeks, I just might have to break out the BC skis this weekend, too.

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