2012 Plans


Aug 9, 2007
Any big ambitious trip plans for 2012?

I'd really like to crack 300 miles of actual backpacking (not just hiking). Planning a return to The Maze for some backpacking in May (got my permits last summer!). And in August I'm planning on doing the entire 85-mile Highline trail across the spine of the Uintas. Other than that no specific plans except I want to spend a lot more time in The Winds.
I've got a lot of ideas/goals for 2012, but one of my main goals is to spend some more quality time in The Needles.

Hoping to go on a few backpacking trips.

In March we are going to Vegas for a few days. We will be spending some time at Zion, Bryce, Valley of Fire, etc on the way there and back.
My Goal for the summer is to backpack/hike all of the highest points including ridges that I can see from my house, so 50% of the oquirrhs, a good chunk of the stansburys, a couple of islands, a chunk of the Tintic range.. going to be fun, ultralight slogfest :)
I plan to do a lot more backpacking this year! I had some major blister problems on the heals of my feet last summer and I only went on one backpacking trip and it was a measly overnighter. With the right shoes and changing how I lace them and my hiking posture, I think I've got the problem solved! My goal is the Sawtooths, Yellowstone, and the Winds!
I want to go hiking a lot more than the last few years. I will spend again some time in the Moab and Escalante area, and will also do some hiking in the Adirondacks here in New York and hopefully finish some of the high peaks there.
Maybe a trip to the White Mountains this fall or a winter climb up to Mount Washington
I want to go hiking a lot more than the last few years. I will spend again some time in the Moab and Escalante area, and will also do some hiking in the Adirondacks here in New York and hopefully finish some of the high peaks there.
Maybe a trip to the White Mountains this fall or a winter climb up to Mount Washington

My only goals are to knock off more of the 4k footers in the White Mountains including my first Mt. Washington ascent (I hit 10 of the 48 4k's last Sept/Oct)...

I was hoping to make my way back to Utah/Arizona in late Oct/Early Nov but I just bought a car and I might have to be a little more careful with fundage :(
Any big ambitious trip plans for 2012?

I'd really like to crack 300 miles of actual backpacking (not just hiking). Planning a return to The Maze for some backpacking in May (got my permits last summer!). And in August I'm planning on doing the entire 85-mile Highline trail across the spine of the Uintas. Other than that no specific plans except I want to spend a lot more time in The Winds.

The Teton Crest Trail is getting checked off the bucket list this Sept!
Plan + Wish List for 2012:
The Subway, UT - never been, and would love to go
Timpanogos (again) x2-3
Bryce Canyon (again)
San Rafael Swell
Zion (again)
Arches (again)
+ I'll pick a semi-local hike or two out of David Day's Backcountry book and take the family or youngling w/ me. David is a neighbor, and I've enjoyed his suggestions.
Winter: Death Valley canyons in February
Spring: 3 weeks in southern Utah in May/June (hoping to do Heaps canyon, plus a whole lot of other stuff, including time in the Maze)
Summer: Planning to descend a lot of canyons in the southwest BC area (home)
Fall: who knows? May be back to southern Utah for another week or two at the end of September
Next Winter: FreezeFest canyoneering in the North Wash
Its nice to see all the ideas and energy. Gets one excited about the coming year!

I'm hoping Hoping for:
- Paria Canyon
- Rainbow Bridge
- Zion Traverse
- Little Colorado Gorge
- Walking entire length of Grand Gulch to the San Juan
- Finally getting out to Coyote Gulch
Plan + Wish List for 2012:
The Subway, UT - never been, and would love to go

Planning on Subway top-down or bottom-up? We've got a lot of experience on that route here, happy to help if you need it! I finally did it for my first time last year and ended up doing it a total of three times last year. One of my favorite hikes of all time. :)
A lot of inspiring ideas here. With only one year in the Intermountain West under my belt, I still have a whole lot to look forward to. Spent some quality time in the Uintas this first summer, but will be setting my sights on the Winds, Sawtooths, Flat Tops, and San Juan's in 2012. Haven't selected the exact segment yet, but am tentatively planning on doing a week-long stretch of the Continental Divide Trail in southwestern Colorado sometime in July or August, all depending on the snowpack (or lack thereof). Until then hopefully a good deal of desert exploration and canyoneering, with my most lofty ambition currently being Imlay sometime this spring :eek:
My biggest goal for this year is to get backpacking. When I get my tax return I plan to shell it out on gear, then start with some small trips and work my way up. My dad and brother plan to do a 5 day backpack around Four Lakes Basin in the Uintas for Labor Day weekend and I want to be able to join them. My other big goal for this year is to pull off a kick ass Four Corners trip. Some of the highlights would include Mesa Verde, Bisti Badlands, and Canyon De Chelly.
1. The Wave (tomorrow?? and February)
2. Estrogen Tour Snowshoe Trip (March with Alison)
3. Cayoneering Course (May)
4. Fruita for moutnain biking (May with@Alison and GHB)
5. Hope that I get to do at least one canyon with Kev while he is here in the spring
6. June adventuring again with Alison canyoneering and mountain biking
7. Camping several times on Rainbow Rim to mountain bike
8. Havasupai with the in-laws (backpack trip)
9. At least two other backpack trips just short easy ones and I have no idea where or when
10. Freeze Fest ( I think... loved it this year but I know it will REALLY be cold this year)
11. Mountain biking and road biking every chance i get
12. Explore more of Snow Canyon and Zion as I can fit them in
13. Go see Bryce Canyon for first time
14. Love to make it back over by Boulder, Utah to explore maybe
15. As always my unrealistic goal is on the list just because someday I hope to make it a realistic goal. Antarctica

Edited to add:

16. Annual estrogen backpack trip to Conundrum Hot Springs (this leaves one more backpack trip to plan now.
My biggest goal for this year is to get backpacking. When I get my tax return I plan to shell it out on gear, then start with some small trips and work my way up.

Canyon De Chelly.

That's my same plan for backpacking this year...I've almost got all the gear I need....just waiting for some warmer weather :)

Canyon de Chelly is a must do on my list this year, as well.
That's my same plan for backpacking this year...I've almost got all the gear I need....just waiting for some warmer weather :)

Canyon de Chelly is a must do on my list this year, as well.

Sweet! Maybe we can meet up for a backpack or at Canyon De Chelly this year? Nick mentioned something about the possiblility of a Backcountry-Fest. Good times.:)
Good stuff! Audra and I were talking tonight and it looks like we'll be adding a road trip to Southern California in March for spring break. Death Valley, Anza Borrego, Joshua Tree, Great Basin NP, San Diego. Mmmmm... warm. :cool:

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1. Full moon snowshoe hikes as long as the snow lasts (or if we get some!)
2. The Wave with Chere in Feb
3. March Estrogen Hut Trip to The Fritz Hut above Aspen with Chere
4. Moab trips as often as I can get away (usually 5 times a year)
5. Spending a few weekends in Fruita, self teaching myself to MTB
6. May MTB camp trip with Chere and GHB
7. June trip to Arizona and St. George to Canyon and MTB with Chere and see family
8. Backpack the "4 pass loop" in the Maroon Bells
9. Annual estrogen backpack trip to Conundrum Hot Springs
10. Annual hike over to Crested Butte
11. Flat Tops back pack adventure
12. Explore the Escalante/Boulder area
13. Book a bike trip to Italy (might as well add it to the list to make it "real")
14. Fall Canyon trip with anyone willing
15. Blow it all out at Freeze Fest XI
16. Somewhere in this mix, teach lots of belly dance and perform at many festivals
17. I'd also like to explore some to the north (Wyoming- Wind River) but need to do some more research. Anyone willing? Send me some info.

Here's to 2012!