The Maze and the Mesa | Day 3
Monday, April 11, 2011
During our second night camping at Chimney Rock there was much less wind, and I ended up sleeping a lot better. When we woke up in the morning it was also a bit warmer and the wind had completely disappeared. The first thing I did was grab...
The Maze and the Mesa | Day 0: Change of Plans?
Friday, April 8, 2011
As you might have seen in this post before I left on this trip, there was some real concern about the government shutting down and closing Canyonlands National Park. The night before I was set to leave, I stayed up to see...
Greetings again, and welcome to the third episode of the Great Western Expedition of 2011. Today, we head for The Maze.
We have a framed map of Canyonlands hanging on the angled ceiling above our bed. It's been there ten years. That's how long I've been looking at the area called The Land of...
April 2011
From the moment I first read Desert Solitaire, I knew I had to go to The Maze. It's a short chapter of that book and Abbey really just scratched the surface of what was out in this 'Terra Incognita'. A night at the Maze overlook followed by a pretty intense rappel/hike down into The...