great salt lake

  1. pixie1339

    Antelope Island January 2015

    I recently started a blog on my website, so by the power of copy and paste I plan to FINALLY start regularly posting trip reports on BCP. Woohoo! January 31st - February 1st, 2015 Afterglow The Great Salt Lake is a remnant of ancient Lake Bonneville. While the current size of the GSL pales...
  2. Nick

    Great Salt Lake 5/9/13

    Went out to the Great Salt Lake with neiloro tonight to break in some new camera gear. The no-see-ums were out in force but fortunately the wind picked up enough to keep them away for most of the night. Got 'busted' for a little trespassing but still managed to find a nice spot for sunset. It...
  3. Nick

    Stansbury Island, Great Salt Lake

    September 2011 I've taken a handful of short trips out to the Great Salt Lake to take photos but I've never posted any of it here. Not really much in the way of hiking and definitely no camping. But I was just thinking its still worth sharing from time to time. Especially since I took this past...
  4. uintahiker

    The Spiral Jetty in February

    Saturday we went out to the Spiral Jetty. I'd heard about it several times before, but had always heard that the road out there was bad. Actually, the people at the Golden Spike National Historic Site just down the road don't speak highly about the road to the Spiral Jetty either (Maybe it's...

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