desolation canyon

  1. Nick


    Desolation and Gray Canyons: 84 miles of the Green River with 50+ class II and III rapids along the way. I failed to secure a permit in the lottery for 2017 but picking up a cancellation was pretty easy. I chose August because I love the heat and I hoped to miss the bugs that are notorious in...
  2. George_Washington_Hayduke

    8 Days in Desolation Canyon

    We went into this years Deso trip wanting to do minimal rowing and tons of hiking, but as always, the winds kinda held us back. We still got to do some great hikes and spent lots of time in the Canyon. We laid over at Jack Creek, and were forcefully laid over at Steer Ridge because of the "W"...
  3. Ounce

    Desolation Canyon 2015

    I have been a long time lurker and decided to finally post a trip report of a River trip through Desolation/Gray canyon. I worked as a guide for three summers with Western River Expeditions out of Moab, I ran trips on Desolation Canyon, Westwater Canyon, The Grand and of course the daily...

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