Zion in Mid Feb Suggestions?


Jan 31, 2017
Good evening folks!

The misses and I were looking at getting out to Zion this presidents day weekend for a nice potentially snowy overnighter. We have already done the East and parts of West rim last winter and thought if Kolob Canyon was open, why not try for the La Verkin trail? Weather has been looking decent lately and the ranger at the Kolob visitor center said they were plowing the road today.
Thoughts on the feasibility of such a trip? Or should we stick to day hiking it this time? (the misses doesn't want to do any repeats :( ).

Much appreciated!
In case you don't get any constructive responses, I'll just say this. That sounds not very fun. I like a good February desert fix, but I'd head for lower elevations and away from the snow. But if you're into that, I bet it would be pretty cool. Don't forget the traction devices!
In case you don't get any constructive responses, I'll just say this. That sounds not very fun. I like a good February desert fix, but I'd head for lower elevations and away from the snow. But if you're into that, I bet it would be pretty cool. Don't forget the traction devices!
Hey Nick!

Thanks for the reponse :D. After serving in the military, I'm a little hesitant to go to any desert haha. But yea we love the snow(snowshoeing, xc sking). Hope the road will be open during that time frame. Definitely hope to get some nice photos!

Here's some photos of our last trip to the East Rim


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Nice! But I guess the Colorado Plateau desert is a little different. I'd still suggest Zion-like landscapes, just lower. That's all desert to me. :)
Nice! But I guess the Colorado Plateau desert is a little different. I'd still suggest Zion-like landscapes, just lower. That's all desert to me. :)
Never actually been there...hmm I only have 3.5ish days to explore (including travel days from Los angeles). Is it possible to get out there with that time limitation?

Never actually been there...hmm I only have 3.5ish days to explore (including travel days from Los angeles). Is it possible to get out there with that time limitation?


Zion is basically the west rim of the Colorado Plateau. If you've been on the rim of Zion, you've been to the Colorado Plateau. It's a large area, but yes, there are great places that aren't much further than Zion. The Arizona strip and Grand Staircase are pretty close. The most popular backpacking destinations might be too far for your time, but some could work.
Zion is basically the west rim of the Colorado Plateau. If you've been on the rim of Zion, you've been to the Colorado Plateau. It's a large area, but yes, there are great places that aren't much further than Zion. The Arizona strip and Grand Staircase are pretty close. The most popular backpacking destinations might be too far for your time, but some could work.
ohhh ok I thought the Plateau was eastern Utah. I was considering Grand Staircase but have heard horror stories of non-awd cars out there. Ill take a look around to see what I can find!