Zero G & Right Fork Of Leprechaun Canyon

Feb 7, 2017
We had some Zion permits for saturday and sunday, but we got skunked because the chance of rain was too high so we decided last minute to drive out to the Swell and do "Zero G". We left Salt Lake on friday and camped at the trailhead. We started the hike around 9:30am and were the first into the canyon that day. Zero G was full of water and it was hot so it felt amazing. I retrieved a rope that the previous group had gotten stuck on the rappel and then accidentally dropped it into the deep part of the last swimmer. I had to swim to the bottom of the hole to rescue the rope.....whoops! :) If thats your rope, lemme know. I have it safe and sound if you want it back. After Zero G we drove down to the north wash to do an evening romp of Blarney but when we got to the first rap and dropped the rope, we heard thunder and felt rain drops. We pulled the rope back up and headed back to camp.
The next morning we decided to do right fork of leprechaun because there were no cars at the trailhead. After the hot hike up we got to cool down in the narrows for a while. I love the corkscrews and down climbs in this one. After getting back to the car, we decided it was too hot for another one and bailed back to hanksville to get some milkshakes from Stan's. Here are some photos and video of our trip, enjoy!


Zero G

Zero G


Hayli in Leprechaun

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