Yellowstone's Crescent Lake, High Lake, and Specimen Creek

@Joey - Crescent Lake looks cold! Another wonderful trip report. I'm just sitting back and living Yellowstone vicariously through you. Can I give you locations to go next? :) I really liked the shots of Specimen Creek making its way through the trees.
As long as your locations are in Utah, sure! :) What do you want? The high plateaus of Canyonlands? The north eastern canyons of the Escalante River? Something west of Hole in the Rock road? I'll leave it up to you. See you at 4pm on Friday at the Heaslip Brewery :smilecoffee:

I'm honestly counting down the hours until I head back to Utah. 48 to go
Looks much like my trip this weekend minus the elevation of course. Some great winter shots there. My favorites are of the snow covered tent. I love the snow! Nice job Utah!

Side note: I didn't know you carried an air horn. Did you have it on our July trip?

No, I didn't have an air horn on our trip. The only time I carry it is solo trips in grizzly country. This is the first year I've carried one. I did carry it on one of my trips with @scatman, I think the Sour Creek trip. I tested it out, and he got mad at me :mad:.

I've considered carrying one for quite some time. My friend Kyle carried one back in 2009 when we both spent all that time in Glacier. I've read several studies that show its a proven deterrent for grizzlies. I've also spoken with several people who carry one. I don't know if @Absarokanaut carries one, but I believe he likes the idea as well.

A loud sound on that level will definitely startle a bear. I'm not sure how well it would work against a grizzly sow charging in a close encounter, and I doubt it would have much effect on a grizzly on a carcass. The reason I bring it is for tent encounters. I think it works perfectly for a bear snooping around at night. All bears are different though, so you never know. But I tend to take different precautions than most, base on what I've personally experienced. I also don't sound it off unless I have to. I've never had to. I shot it off this weekend because I knew no one else was out there to hear it.

Give me a call on Friday. And post some more trip reports from Michigan! Or the Tetons!
Great report Joey. Real nice video pan on the sunny morning. You've got a steady hand. This got me pumped for my trip next weekend up in the Whites where the snow is already flying too! And we all know your just being modest... trips like this most definitely put you in the "tough as nails" category... Even if you do blow your horn at rodents : )
Thanks @Vegan.Hiker. I've got to start panning with the tripod. But on frigid mornings its hard to go that extra mile. Have fun in the Whites! That's a place I've never been, and always heard great things about. Have to get there some day. Be safe, and I look forward to a trip report afterwards :)
I know John carries. My wife and I had met him back in 2008 and he talked us into taking one (air horn) along. Up to that point I had never taken bear spray or an air horn. Kim felt better about having both. So needless to say, I carried both.
I am so jealous and yet not at the same time! I only got to do one dayhike in that area and wanted to go back and backpack so bad! Gorgeous country. On the other hand...:cold:
Thanks @Scott Chandler . Hopefully you can back up there and explore it some more. The entire north west corner is amazing. Completely different from the rest of Yellowstone.
Joey, you ever think about getting some professional help?:roflmao:

Your toes look a little cold in some of that video. Time to put the skis on-----
That critter looks like a muskrat.

And thanks for another great report.
Thanks @John Goering , I'm just trying to keep pace with all your trip reports! Definitely ski season now. I'm not great on skis, but I am hoping to try my hand at some backcountry ski trips around Yellowstone in early spring. When the weather warms up and the days get longer :).

I wasn't for sure what that was in the video, and figured somebody would know who saw it. Thanks!
Found this News Flash ....... Park Service kills giant rodent terrorizing campers in Yellowstone. Ranger said they are more fearsome than the grizzley bears and are trying to stop the infestation.

View attachment 21624
Haha, I guess I wasn't the only one having problems. Going to have to bring rat traps instead of the bear spray :)
I do indeed carry an airhorn. Some folks contend its not a good idea so please make your own decision folks.

Sows and spray aren't a guarantee either. Although the one time I've been truly charged was a large male Sows make my hair stand up a bit higher.

I think I saw fewer bears this year than any in the last 12, partly due to being a bit more sedentary and part having good precip and more remote feed.

Edit: Have a great winter man. I really want to make a trip down south in April. If it's warm Capitol Reef, if cold maybe south of the Tonto Rim.
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Sows make my hair stand up a bit higher.

I think I saw fewer bears this year than any in the last 12, partly due to being a bit more sedentary and part having good precip and more remote feed.

Edit: Have a great winter man. I really want to make a trip down south in April. If it's warm Capitol Reef, if cold maybe south of the Tonto Rim.
Sows are definitely the ones to worry about.

I didn't see many grizzlies at all this year. Only one in the backcountry that I can think of, and that was just last month. I did see more black bears than I normally do. Though that was interesting.

Have a warm winter, and let me know if you venture down south.
@kcwins - No air horns allowed in the Gros Ventres! ;) Shh, be very, very quiet. I'm hunting wabbit!

As long as your locations are in Utah, sure! :) What do you want? The high plateaus of Canyonlands? The north eastern canyons of the Escalante River? Something west of Hole in the Rock road? I'll leave it up to you. See you at 4pm on Friday at the Heaslip Brewery :smilecoffee:

Whoa! That's way too far south for my liking! :) I was thinking more like deep in the heart of the Mirror Plateau. I bet few people venture back in there in the winter time. :cold:
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