Yellowstone - Upper Firehole River - 2010


Jan 19, 2012
9-23-2010 to 9-27-2010

Some friends and I decided to do a late season backpacking trip into Yellowstone as we were having such great weather for this time of year. We had decided on a short hike (our camp was less than 4 miles from the trail head) in into the upper Firehole River area. This was the area we were suppose to go to during the 2nd half of our trip in July, but we ended up ditching that idea and heading out early because of the horrible mosquitoes.

9-23 - We drove up and "car camped" at Grants Village so we could pick up our back country permits. The campground was less than 1/2 full which was a nice change from when we were here last in July. One of the guys with us had never been to Yellowstone so we drove up to Canyon that evening so he could see Hayden Valley and "The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone".

9-24 to 9-27 - The next morning we hit the trail. The trail was really easy hiking, most of it (about 2.5 miles) was on an old road that you use to be able to drive on to get to the Lonestar Geyser.

The weather ended up being very nice and warm. It was almost hot at times! The nights were cool, but it mostly stayed above freezing. I think it only got down to freezing one night. I stayed really warm in my zero degree bag.

The only bad part of the trip was that the fishing was really slow and the fish were small. Most being 6" or smaller, although we did see a couple around 10". We didn't catch any worth cooking so we didn't get to eat fresh trout this trip.

The highlight of the trip was the Shoshone Geyser Basin (about 6 mile hike from camp). The trail is very easy with only a moderate pitch. We had hiked to the geyser basin back in July when we camped on Shoshone Lake and had found a nice hot tubing pool where the hot water ran into Shoshone Creek! So this trip we packed in our swimming trunks! The water was wonderful after being in the back country for a few days! I think cross country skiing into the Shoshone geyser basin in the winter would be awesome!!

On our last evening just as it was getting dark a HUGE bull bison wondered into our camp!! We were sitting around the fire talking and all of a sudden we saw this bison about 30 yards away! He didn't care one bit about us. He just wondered over to an area void of vegetation, pawed at the ground to break up the dirt, and then rolled around in it covering himself with dirt. After about 7-8 minutes he wondered off. We were kind of glad to see him leave as we didn't want him rubbing up against our tents and destroying them! I would have taken a picture of him, but decided flash photography could be a bad idea! LOL!

Anyway, we had lots of fun and great weather. Just wished the fishing would have been better. Here's some pics from the trip.

Hiking along an old paved road

Bridge over the Firehole River

Shoshone geyser basin

Firehole River

Lonestar Geyser

Firehole River - Meadow

Firehole River - Meadow

Shoshone geyser basin - Shoshone Creek

Soaking in Shoshone Creek!!!

Shoshone geyser basin

Buffalo at Lonestar Geyser - we wondering if this was the guy who wandered into camp and rolled around in the dirt the evening before!

Mt Moran - Grand Teton Park
wow, it looks like a great place to be.
Maybe that's something for next year, I still have Yellowstone in my mind and would love to spent some time there hiking and backpacking.
Thanks for sharing :twothumbs:
I LOVE Yellowstone in the fall!!! The leaves are turning, there's a lot less people, the elk are bugling, and when the weathers nice it's just perfect!

I'd really like to do a backpacking trip from Old Faithful south ~30 miles to Cave Falls!! The bad thing is it's about a 2.5 hour drive to get back to your car at Old Faithful. Need to look into a shuttle car or something....
I LOVE Yellowstone in the fall!!! The leaves are turning, there's a lot less people, the elk are bugling, and when the weathers nice it's just perfect!

I'd really like to do a backpacking trip from Old Faithful south ~30 miles to Cave Falls!! The bad thing is it's about a 2.5 hour drive to get back to your car at Old Faithful. Need to look into a shuttle car or something....
I've read about that trail and it sounds awesome! It's mostly downhill all the way to cave falls. The added bonus would be all the other falls on the way to Cave Falls.
I've read about that trail and it sounds awesome! It's mostly downhill all the way to cave falls. The added bonus would be all the other falls on the way to Cave Falls.
Yep! You'd have to make a side trip to Union Falls while there!
Yep! You'd have to make a side trip to Union Falls while there!
Morning Falls would be another to see in the area it's a little bit NW of Union Falls. It's a wider falls like Cave Falls.