Yellowstone NP Campsite Reccs


New Member
Mar 27, 2024
Hi everyone,

I had some recent success in the Yellowstone NP backcountry lottery (unfortunately not Glacier too), and was hoping to get some campsite reccs from people with more experience. I am going with 7 buddies. We are all around 21. Two summers ago we also did a YS backcountry trip during the summer at Firehole Meadows and Imperial Meadows. Last year we did Glacier NP. Our one requirement is that the campsite allows campfires. So, if you have any favorites that you think we should check out with our lottery pick, please let me know!

Hi everyone,

I had some recent success in the Yellowstone NP backcountry lottery (unfortunately not Glacier too), and was hoping to get some campsite reccs from people with more experience. I am going with 7 buddies. We are all around 21. Two summers ago we also did a YS backcountry trip during the summer at Firehole Meadows and Imperial Meadows. Last year we did Glacier NP. Our one requirement is that the campsite allows campfires. So, if you have any favorites that you think we should check out with our lottery pick, please let me know!

How far in are you looking to hike? Just planning on a single site?
Hi everyone,

I had some recent success in the Yellowstone NP backcountry lottery (unfortunately not Glacier too), and was hoping to get some campsite reccs from people with more experience. I am going with 7 buddies. We are all around 21. Two summers ago we also did a YS backcountry trip during the summer at Firehole Meadows and Imperial Meadows. Last year we did Glacier NP. Our one requirement is that the campsite allows campfires. So, if you have any favorites that you think we should check out with our lottery pick, please let me know!

There's a few sites around Heart Lake that allow fires. That's a classic Yellowstone backpacking destination that you should check out if you haven't been. Mid August and later are best so you can avoid bugs.
How far in are you looking to hike? Just planning on a single site?
Our trip will probably only allow 3 nights in YS so we're open to 1-3 campsites. When we went to YS two years ago we did 2 sites, and in Glacier we just did 1 site. Depending on elevation, I would say our hiking day length for campsites is 5-10 miles. We like to be able to explore more once we get to the site so it's nice being able to get the hike done in a relatively timely manner. Also, not everyone in the group is as keen on or in shape for hiking with a pack as others...