Wyoming Grizzly Range Tracker and DMA


Ready For More
Jul 23, 2013
Just stumbled into this while googling more info on grizzlies in the Wind River Mountain Range. It's a gif showing the growth of grizzly bear population outside of the Yellowstone Ecosystem and the DMA. It follows from the immediate range they were found within the designated recovery zone in 1990, to where they've expanded up through last year. It looks like something that will continue to be updated/added to with each year.

Very cool! I love that jump from 2014 to 2015.

That said, the only possibly grizzly sign I've ever seen in the winds was a pile of scat next to a carcass. Very elusive out there!
Rep. Cheney accuses tribes of “Destroying our western way of life” over sacred grizzly protections.

Nice find! Did you see anything that shows the population density? A few griz in a 100 square miles is much less a concern for me than a few dozen! While it's always good to be bear-aware, some places I won't solo in due to high-griz danger.
Just stumbled into this while googling more info on grizzlies in the Wind River Mountain Range. It's a gif showing the growth of grizzly bear population outside of the Yellowstone Ecosystem and the DMA. It follows from the immediate range they were found within the designated recovery zone in 1990, to where they've expanded up through last year. It looks like something that will continue to be updated/added to with each year.

Great find and great graphic, Will. Solid example of range expansion that is going on all around us with all species of plants and animals. This species is just more visible and was more artificially constrained for so long that we humans are paying more attention.
Now have been watching this expansion and am not surprised. Have heard things related to this recently also. The last couple of years have seen fresh Grizzly Bear sign right up Cache Creek a shortways near the Town of Jackson. When I have gone into the deep Yellowstone Wilds, the signs of grizzlies are everywhere. Now I would not be the least surprised if there is a whole lot more Grizzlies around here in NW Wyoming then what they say. Just my opinion.
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Another success story very similar to the Bald Eagle and California Condor. Unfortunately these are the success stories the extraction industries work hardest to thwart.
I've always looked forward sighting a Grizzly in the wild (not including Yellowstone N.P.) but have not yet had the experience: As I am not brave enough to sleep with a slab of bacon in my tent to invite such a sighting it may require to invite a less favorable person to cuddle a slab of tasty pork in their's as I observe at a safe distance. :)
This agency has some great data. Check out the capture and relocation annual report from 2018. Thre are a heck of a lot more captures of grizzlies in the north central Winds than I expected.

Hard to tell from the maps, but it looks like most are in the Upper Green, primarily due to feeding on cattle. I usually arrive during the cattle drive, so looks like I'm in in hungry griz country. One of the few places on the Western Winds that folks really should have bear spray.
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