Wonderful weather along the Dirty Devil


Mar 10, 2016
Heading out for a long weekend in Utah I thought maybe I had made a mistake when I hit snow outside Cedar City. Which continued intermittently, sometimes hail, sometimes rain, all the way to Sandthrax camp. But then I remembered - inclement weather never stops me from being outside, if anything it encourages me. Saturday I hiked up to the west rim of the Dirty Devil from North Wash, finding a break in the cliffs along one of the many side canyons. It was VERY windy ! I had to make sure to stay back from high cliffs lest a gust get too pushy. Scenery was amazing all along the way up and views down on the Dirty Devil and Colorado rivers were fantastic.

After returning to the truck I headed under the rim along the Dirty Devil west side to camp and wander the next day. I have visited the east side a couple times to wander along and revel in the amazing views and canyons there, but it has been years. I had a nice sunset and another windy night rocking the truck.

Come morning I started wandering along the DD northwards. I enjoy the east side more, it has more interesting/abundant slickrock flats and canyons. But the views are amazing either way. I decided to get into Scar Tissue again, o2bav8's TR inspiring me. It has been years since visiting and my memory had faded, but it was much nicer than I remembered.

I slept here one more night then went and descended Dhalgren, which I had come across the trip prior. It is not long, nor difficult, but it is very scenic and tons of fun ! A nice mini slot to stretch the legs in.


Then I moved up to Angel Trail on the west side of the Dirty Devil to relax and sleep the night before heading home the next day. A very satisfying trip.
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