Wire Pass to Lees Ferry Next Week


New Member
Jun 10, 2024
Have permits to hike Wire Pass to Lees Ferry Monday 6/17. Wondering if anyone knows what the conditions in the canyon are right now. Weather reports are predicting 20%-30% chance of rain Thursday 6/13 throughout the basin and chance of thunderstorms after noon on Friday 6/14. If the basin gets the anticipated rain is it best to cancel the trip on Monday?
I just did that hike the week before last, and posted the conditions on another thread here (here's a copy):

Lower Paria:
Water ankle-deep and fairly clear.
No mosquitos or cedar gnats.
Biting flies got progressively annoying the lower down the canyon we got. Not too terrible though (we never seriously considered changing into pants because the heat was worse than the bugs)
Problematic mice in the popular campsites near the confluence with Buckskin.
Buckskin is completely dry until right near the confluence.
The various springs off of the Paria are flowing well.
I've only done this trip once and am not as much of an expert as others here, but I'm pretty sure that if Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are clear, you should be fine. Do NOT be in Buckskin if there are storms that day, but I don't think rain three days earlier is a problem. There might be some puddles to wade through, but on a hot day that might feel good anyway.

If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me!
I've only done this trip once and am not as much of an expert as others here, but I'm pretty sure that if Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are clear, you should be fine. Do NOT be in Buckskin if there are storms that day, but I don't think rain three days earlier is a problem. There might be some puddles to wade through, but on a hot day that might feel good anyway.

If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me!
Yeah, that's what I would think too. Honestly, a little rain a few days beforehand will probably make Buckskin a lot nicer, so the sand isn't so soft and deep (if it's slightly damp that will be easier to walk on for that many miles). A little more water in the Paria would be a good thing too, since it's really shallow right now. Have fun--I bet you'll love it!
I just realized that our first day in Paria was exactly 10 years before your first day will be. We absolutely loved our trip - hope you do, too!
I just did that hike the week before last, and posted the conditions on another thread here (here's a copy):

Lower Paria:
Water ankle-deep and fairly clear.
No mosquitos or cedar gnats.
Biting flies got progressively annoying the lower down the canyon we got. Not too terrible though (we never seriously considered changing into pants because the heat was worse than the bugs)
Problematic mice in the popular campsites near the confluence with Buckskin.
Buckskin is completely dry until right near the confluence.
The various springs off of the Paria are flowing we

Thanks! I'm glad to know the springs are flowing.
I've only done this trip once and am not as much of an expert as others here, but I'm pretty sure that if Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are clear, you should be fine. Do NOT be in Buckskin if there are storms that day, but I don't think rain three days earlier is a problem. There might be some puddles to wade through, but on a hot day that might feel good anyway.

If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me!
Okay, that's good to know, thanks! No plans on going if there's any chance of rain in the forecast we start. Don't feel like being caught in a flash flood lol.