Winds itinerary.


Jan 23, 2014
Here's what We plan.

Day 1: Start at Green River Lakes TH to Beaver Park....9.7 mi

Day 2: Beaver Park to Upper Jean Lake...10.4 mi

Day 3: Upper Jean to Island Lake/Titcomb...7-10 mi.

Day 4: Day hike to Indian Pass /Titcomb.

Day 5: Island Lake to Elbow Lake...10.5 mi

Day 6: Elbow Lake to Three Forks Park...9.3 mi

Day 7: Three Forks Park to Green River TH...11.2 mi

How does this sound?
How does my mileage look?
Any red flags you see or alternatives you could recommend?
Any input is appreciated.
I am just going by my maps and books for planning.
First off, have you considered just hiring a shuttle and doing a point-to-point? It's $130 or so from Great Outdoor Shop in Pinedale. Best part is, they can just move your vehicle for you, so you just drive to the start and they move it half way through your trip. We did that last year and liked it a lot.

Some of your distances are way short. You also need to allow for storms - they come in nearly every day and can keep you locked in your tent for a long time. Wake up early and get going to avoid it, but you still might get stuck, especially since there is very little shelter for much of the up high route. Pretty much nothing from before Elbow all the way to well past Lower Jean.

Here are GPS readings from each day of our point-to-point.
6.5 - GRL to a mile or two shy of Beaver Park. See my trip report for location.
19.07 - Summit Lake
26.81 - Lower Jean
30.49 - Island Lake via Fremont River 'sneak route'
36.71 - Hobbs Lake
43.89 - Elkhart Trailhead

That second day to Summit was a complete ass kicker, even for those in the group that were much more fit than I. From there to Lower Jean we got slammed by storms and never really got proper shelter until we dropped into the forest near the Fremont River. Day 4 was cut short because of storms - we had intended to go into Titcomb, but had to drop camp at Island.
I think you need to re-evaluate your distances. Remember from Green TH it's a really LONG all uphill. I plan 7 'map' miles per day and we always were over by 12% to 15%. Look at my Wind River post in resources. My gpx file is there and you can get the actual mileage for the part of your route to Island Lake.

When are you planning to go? We are scheduling a 10 day trip the last of Aug into Sept..... could shuttle vehicles if time worked.
Thanks for replies.
We will be out there first week in September.
I like the shuttle idea. I didn't know it was available out there.
I will re - evaluate my trip plan and mileage.
We have never been to the Winds or WY so we are hoping input from others will help us fill in the ???
Thanks for your help
Cool. Here the route we'll be taking in Aug. It's mainly established trails, but it's got a few cross-country scrambles over passes to connect to the best parts. I can't wait for this trip! Export it into Google Earth to REALLY get excited. Feel free to download the GPS coordinates to my trip, then make modifications to suit your needs.
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Looks good ........ :twothumbs:

! ..... How long you figure? Your route is close to what we hiked. (did you check out my gpx in resources?) . I think you need to add at least another day. You can look at my route and take out the 'extra' on the east side. I plan '7 'map' miles a day, usually ends up 10 to 12 walking miles. Besides you want to fish.......

Suggestions: Go south to north, the climb from Green River TH is long and UP. Start (or end) at Sweetwater TH. Go over the pass to the east of Peak 11925 in Bonneville Basin....its easier. Stay on the east side of the big lake just south of MiddleFork lake. Cut cross country from MF Lk (its easy), to Halls Lk, to Lk 1032, then to Timico Lk then out to your plotted route. After Wall lk cut up just past the "E" (first saddle) to go to Island Lk. Cross country in the Winds is usually easy. The best scenery and fishing is close to the highline backbone.
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SS, what dates you looking at. We are planning a ten day trip in the WInds, maybe help with car shuffle? Haven't set our dates solid yet. Roughly we are looking from GreenRiver TH, heading over to the east side from Faler Lk, down into Dinwoody, into the Dry Creek, back to the west over Angel Pass then out to Elkhart, or the reverse.
MMM, to early. we are looking at starting 3rd or 4th week in August..... less bugs, less people :(
Too bad, that would have been cool to join you.

Miss Buffalo invited us along to her trip, and she has school starting @ the end of Aug, so we can't bump it back any more. You guys will hit it at the ideal time.
MMM, to early. we are looking at starting 3rd or 4th week in August..... less bugs, less people :(

too bad :rolleyes:
But our date is dictated by my school schedule, wish I had more freedom to decide when to go.

We could possibly add another day since the end of our trip is on a Friday. As long as I'm home Sunday night to get my Monday morning university start I'm okay .
I work as a contract EMT for the USFS during fire season, the first part of August is usually busy. Have to push dates as late as possible and still get mostly good weather. So far the end of Aug has been pretty good. You never know though. Mid Aug will still be good, mosquitos should be down by then.
Cool. Here the route we'll be taking in Aug. It's mainly established trails, but it's got a few cross-country scrambles over passes to connect to the best parts. I can't wait for this trip! Export it into Google Earth to REALLY get excited. Feel free to download the GPS coordinates to my trip, then make modifications to suit your needs.

Looks fun! FYI - if it was me, I'd swing up to Timico LK, drop over the pass into North Fork Cyn and down to Victor LK. But either way should be great, I've just wanted to see Timico and North Fork Cyn!

Also, the crossing above North Fork Lake is a piece of cake (not "tough" like you map label says). It's only tough if you try and keep your feet dry. The crossing is a wide gravely crossing with no way of not getting wet unless you go up stream. Upstream the creek is narrow, fast, and the rocks a very slicks with thick brush on each side. Don't both, just walk through the water, it's much easier and safer.

Oh, and there's some great camping spots on the south/east end of upper cook lake. Much better, IMO, than where you have it on the map. There's even a nice sandy beach there! Hope this helps!
H J ........Timico to North Fork Cyn, easy..... trail is not really on new maps but its way good. North Fork Cyn to Europe Cyn very nice. Great fishing as well.
Looks fun! FYI - if it was me, I'd swing up to Timico LK, drop over the pass into North Fork Cyn and down to Victor LK. But either way should be great, I've just wanted to see Timico and North Fork Cyn!

Sweet, I'll check that out. Thanks for the tip.

Also, the crossing above North Fork Lake is a piece of cake (not "tough" like you map label says). It's only tough if you try and keep your feet dry. The crossing is a wide gravely crossing with no way of not getting wet unless you go up stream. Upstream the creek is narrow, fast, and the rocks a very slicks with thick brush on each side. Don't both, just walk through the water, it's much easier and safer.

Great info, thank you.

Oh, and there's some great camping spots on the south/east end of upper cook lake. Much better, IMO, than where you have it on the map. There's even a nice sandy beach there! Hope this helps!

Again, thank you so much. That map was based of a trip someone else did, so I just went off his directions. This is just the kind of info I'm looking for.
As Steve already mentioned, thanks for the great tips.
We appreciate them all. Our route isn't done yet, it's just an idea where to go. We're open for all kind of input so we can adjust our route.
I need to check it out on my maps soon, I just wait for my Northern Winds map to arrive so I can see our whole trek.

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