Winds - Bears Ears Trail?


Dec 5, 2017
I'm exploring possibilities for a future summer backpacking trip in the Winds and am eager to learn about the Bears Ears trail. After thoroughly enjoying this summer's trip in the Titcomb/Indian Basin area, I'm intrigued by areas further south near the Cirque but want to bypass some of the crowds at Big Sandy.


1) What's the road like to get to Dickinson Park and the Bears Ears trailhead? I know a permit is needed but don't have a sense of how manageable the road is and what kind of vehicle is necessary.

2) Is water reliably available in Sand Creek? Are there any other water sources before Valentine Lake (if you're heading west along Bears Ears) or before the unnamed lake next to Bear Lake (if you're heading south along Lizard Head Plateau)?

3) In mid-summer (late July - August) how difficult is it to ford South Fork Little Wind River? I realize this will be different in different years, but I'd like to learn what it's generally like.

4) Do you like this trail and recommend using it to make a lollipop perhaps with Washakie, Hailey, South Fork, Grave Lake and/or the Cirque area?

Thanks so much for any info and ideas!
Go in at Sweetwater. Or stough crk area.. Skip the rez it's expensive.

I use the inner part of that trail from Mt Chauvenet on up fairly regularly. As to #4 I give a hearty yes. You can do all sorts of nice routes in that area and I love it around there. I am unwilling to publicly post route info but am open to private dialog.

1 - I would reach out to Wild Iris, an outdoors shop in Lander, or to the Shoshone National Forest.

2 - Have not been down to Sand Ck directly but on the quad it drains a perennial snowfield on the NW flank of Mount Chauvenet so I would expect a steady flow, the lower the stronger, no guarantee of course. Near the intersection with the Lizard Head Trail there is another patch on Cathedral Peak that drains down to Little Valentine. Go down a bit from that junction and I’ve gotten reliable water there. The springs shown on the quad above Bear Lk are accurately mapped and I have used that source. I suppose late in a dry year there could be issues, I don’t know for certain.

3 - I’ve never had trouble with that ford. Wide, cobbled and low gradient, a wet foot approximately knee deep plus crossing. Might be challenging early season. Nice valley.

I love hiking on the reservation. I’ve always entered through the backcountry and have never utilized any of their trailheads. I buy an annual permit every year. Sometimes I don’t even use it. Personally, I feel like they got screwed hard and it’s the least I can contribute to the rightful stewards of the mountains I cherish. I think everybody who hikes in the Winds should be obligated to buy an Indian permit and that all three wilderness areas should be returned unconditionally.
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I'm exploring possibilities for a future summer backpacking trip in the Winds and am eager to learn about the Bears Ears trail. After thoroughly enjoying this summer's trip in the Titcomb/Indian Basin area, I'm intrigued by areas further south near the Cirque but want to bypass some of the crowds at Big Sandy.


1) What's the road like to get to Dickinson Park and the Bears Ears trailhead? I know a permit is needed but don't have a sense of how manageable the road is and what kind of vehicle is necessary.

2) Is water reliably available in Sand Creek? Are there any other water sources before Valentine Lake (if you're heading west along Bears Ears) or before the unnamed lake next to Bear Lake (if you're heading south along Lizard Head Plateau)?

3) In mid-summer (late July - August) how difficult is it to ford South Fork Little Wind River? I realize this will be different in different years, but I'd like to learn what it's generally like.

4) Do you like this trail and recommend using it to make a lollipop perhaps with Washakie, Hailey, South Fork, Grave Lake and/or the Cirque area?

Thanks so much for any info and ideas!
I haven’t done it for several years, but loved going in at Dickinson Park, despite the permit cost. That area is lovely! I spent a couple days in the Cathedral Lake area, then headed to the Cirque of towers, up Lizard Head to the the South Fork, then back over to Dickinson Park. If I’d had more time I would have loved to head down to Grave Lake as well. The whole trip was amazing!
There is no water along the Bears Ears trail and it can get very windy (like knock you over windy!), but so worth it!
Forgot to add that the road was very well graded when I was there! It’s a lot of switchbacks and narrow, but easily done with any vehicle.
@tstew - Thanks for your info. We just got back from an amazing trip in that area! We didn't go in via Dickinson Park, though; our friend planned the route via Big Sandy. We stayed at Skull, Baptiste, Spearpoint, South Fork, and Bear Lakes (plus in the woods above Lonesome) and things worked out great even though we didn't do it using the route I had initially imagined. We had a fantastic week!