Winds advice


Jan 15, 2017
I am planning a trip to the winds this August and need some advice. My plan is a loop from Elkhart to Fremont Peak, then through Titcomb basin and up over Knapsack Col. From there I would like to hike up to Split Mountain Pass and back track back down. Then past Jean Lakes and back out to Trailhead. Details would be arriving at the trailhead early afternoon and hiking to Sapphire Lake to camp the first night as suggested in Pallisters book. Second day would continue up Seneca Lake/Indian Pass trail to Island Lake and then go off trail to Indian Basin, again per pallisters route and camp near Lake 11008. The third day would be a hike up Fremont Peak and then down and into Titcomb Basin to camp. Fourth day, up over Knapsack Col to set up camp in the Peak Lake area. It might be too aggressive but I would like to hike up Split Mountain Pass and back. Fifth day would follow Glacier/Shannon Pass/Highline Trails past Jean Lakes and camp at Island Lake. Last day, hike out to Trailhead. My initial questions are; 1) I don’t have much off trail experience and would like to gain more experience which is why I chose to go off trail at Island lake into Indian Basin. This seems like a good area to to this. Does anyone disagree? 2) It seems like I might be biting off too much on day 4 to hike up Split Mountain Pass after hiking Knapsack Col. I guess one option would be to hike it the next morning before going to Island lake. Another option would be to skip the side trip and possibly camp elsewhere beyond Peak Lake.....Jean Lakes? 3) Would it be worth while to go off trail when leaving Lower Jean to save time/effort going to Island Lake? Possible to cross Fremont Creek? Any advice, suggestions or warnings would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance
Pretty much a trail all the way to Indian pass. Pick off trail wisely as some is tundra some rock talus. Kapsack col is rough.
I would plan on Knapsack taking the entire day, especially if you're not fully acclimated.
Thanks. I figured leaving Indian Pass Trail at Island lake, that there was chance with so much traffic in the area that there might be a trail established there too.
I would plan on Knapsack taking the entire day, especially if you're not fully acclimated.
Okay, Thanks. Maybe the side trip to Split Mountain Pass will have to be another time
I'm thinking the same general route in August minus Split mountain pass or maybe Cirque of the towers. I've never made it up to the Winds and this should be the year! How's the fishing in this area? Going it alone?
Make it happen. You won't be disappointed. This will be my first trip into the Titcomb basin area so I am not sure about fishing. I am no expert when it comes to the Winds or fishing there though I do know there are many areas with excellent fishing. If you are thinking of the Cirque of the Towers, I would guess that would not be a good choice for fishing though surrounding areas would be. I have made my last two trips into the Winds solo though I may have a hiking partner this year.
Island Lake has nice fish but is hit or miss, same with the Jean Lakes. Hybrid goldens in the titcomb lakes, but low numbers and tough to catch. Elbow is supposed to have goldens but if they're still in there, they are exceedingly rare. As a very general rule, stunted bookies below treeline that area. Skull Lake down toward the cirque also had stunted bookies, but there's supposed to be some good lakes in that area. Haven't spent much time down the south end of the range.
Island Lake has nice fish but is hit or miss, same with the Jean Lakes. Hybrid goldens in the titcomb lakes, but low numbers and tough to catch. Elbow is supposed to have goldens but if they're still in there, they are exceedingly rare. As a very general rule, stunted bookies below treeline that area. Skull Lake down toward the cirque also had stunted bookies, but there's supposed to be some good lakes in that area. Haven't spent much time down the south end of the range.
Good info. Thanks. I know many were doing well fishing Mays lake and Graves down south when I was through there.
It's hard to justify out of state trips with young kids and so many great places so close here in Utah. Hopefully this will be the year. I'll start a new thread for first time suggestions and fishing.
Skull Lake down toward the cirque also had stunted bookies, but there's supposed to be some good lakes in that area. Haven't spent much time down the south end of the range.

I went with some guys to that area last summer. One hiked up to Pyramid Lake while we hung out at Skull Lake during the afternoon, and he caught a few golden trout up there at Pyramid.