Windrivers mid to end of June


Dec 2, 2013
I know the Wasatch is melting out at a well above average pace this spring. I am wondering if the 15 degrees above normal weather means I could potentially access some high country in the winds towards the end of June. I currently have a trip to Three Forks Park scheduled, and figured that would be a totally safe bet, but now I am wondering if I might be able to sneak a little but further into the range at that time. What do you guys think?
Last year's thread showed that it was probably not far before postholing
Wind River Conditions 2019

Long term forecast is for heat to continue so might be better than last year. Great Outdoor Shop 5/29 report:
"Green River Lakes has been sunny and beautiful for the last week. Last we heard, Granite Lake is accessible, but the traditional 3rd class route up Squaretop is still quite snowy. Expect to make it to Three Forks Park, but you will encounter snow as you make the climb towards Vista Pass. "

Probably soggy and mosquito festival though. Current Snotel data
Winds Snowpack

For fire safety in late summer/fall months, I'm rather hoping the weather cools off.
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Probably soggy and mosquito festival though. Current Snotel data
Winds Snowpack
I was there in mid July of last year (high snow year with a pretty normal thaw), and that's exactly how it was then. Bit of a sufferfest, but still enjoyable. If we're ahead of schedule on the snow melting right now, I'd be nearly certain that it would be similar in late June. You get the benefit of not seeing as many people, of course, but it comes at a cost. I guess Green River Lakes area and above is more meadowy, so it could be even soggier than the Dad's Lake, Hailey Pass, etc. area where I was.
Yeah about what I expected. I went to Three Forks Park in June a few years ago and it was the worst mozzies I have ever encountered. I am not sure I want to put myself through that again.
Do you think I might be able to get up into Deep Lakes area June 17th-20th? Reading the trail condition report on that website has me thinking it might be very doable.
I'd bet so. Here's an interesting visualization (that also does not bode well for wildfire season):

Big Sandy, Deep Lake, Temple Mtn. area and beyond, June 1, 2020:

Same area, June 1, 2019:

Here's the closest I could find for a date in 2019 that looks like it does now. June 29, 2019:
It lacks the lower elevation lighter amounts of snow, but the higher elevation, more significant, lingering snowpack is the similar, maybe even higher in some places. So we're probably 20-30ish days ahead of schedule as it stands right now.

So since your trip begins 16 days from now, hypothetically, here's 16 days after the similar snowpack day of June 29, 2019 (which happens to coincide with the last day of my trip in the area last year:

Of course, temperatures may be a little lower the next 16 days than they were in early July 2019, just because we're in June instead of July (debatable though with how hot it's been around the mountain west the past week). But I'm almost certain you'd be able to get to Deep Lake with no issues in 2-3 weeks barring wild swings in weather. I'm also certain there will be wild amounts of mosquitos. Haha.

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Wow thanks! I am hoping to time it just right so the snow has just melted but the mozzies haven't hit yet............ Maybe I will get lucky.

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