Wind Rivers - Titcomb and Indian Basins Part 1


Love the Mountains!
Mar 1, 2016
This is a very popular place with many trip reports written about it. I for one think it deserves all the attention it gets so here is my story to add to the collection.

The last few years I have enjoyed exploring the Uintas. It is a beautiful mountain range, and it is fairly close to home. There is so much of the Uintas that I still haven't seen that I didn't see a need to go any further. I had several people tell me how wonderful the Wind Rivers are so I started to investigate what all the fuss was about. When I saw my first picture of Island Lake I knew I had to go check it out for myself. However, I must give credit to @Blake Merrell for inspiring this trip. After reading his trip report last August and looking at his amazing pictures I was hooked. From that time on I couldn't get enough of reading about the Titcomb Basin and climbing Fremont Peak. I immediately started casting my net far and wide to get people to join me on my adventure. Earlier this summer I tweaked my back helping a neighbor which worried me that I might not be able to complete my expedition. Then as the date for the trip got closer and closer slowly people who had committed to going had to back out for one reason or another. That is except for one brave soul my younger brother's best friend who stayed true to the cause. So on Monday August 15th after he got off work we headed for the Elkhart Park trailhead. We camped at the trails end campground on the first night. Then Tuesday we headed out to see the wonders of the Wind Rivers for ourselves.

At approximately 4.5 miles you get your first view of the majestic awe inspiring glacier carved peaks at Photographers point.
I was excited to see the Titcomb Basin for myself and climb the mighty Fremont Peak. From Photographers point you get your first glimpse of those majestic mountains. Then after a gradual climb you start going downhill. The trail has some good rollers in it. At 5.6 miles you pass beautiful Barbara lake. At 7 miles you pass beautiful Hobbs lake. Then there is a good climb up to Big Seneca lake.
Big Seneca is about a mile long. In between Big and Little Seneca lakes there are some good places to camp. We camped near a lovely tarn above Big Seneca approximately 9.75 miles from the trail head. My hiking partner took a nap so I decided to do some exploring and fishing at Big and Little Seneca. I ended up catching one rainbow trout in Big Seneca and two in Little Seneca. Here is my Big Seneca fish.
Sun setting on Little Seneca Lake.
IMG_7583.JPG That brings us to the end of a wonderful first day in the Wind Rivers. I went to bed excited to see Island Lake and the Titcomb Basin for myself.