Wind River Range, WY: August 2018


May 25, 2018
A fellow hiker from White Blaze recommended I post this here also. I am new here but an old-time member at White Blaze with a good history and reputation:

I am looking for a few people who are interested in joining me although looking to keep the group no more than 6 in total. This trip won't happen with less than 3 people due to recommendations of hiking with 3 or more people in Grizzly country. I have a couple of seriously-interested individuals from WB but would like to add a couple more people.

Following on from last year's southern loop in the Wind River Range that included Cirque of the Towers and Lizard Head Pass (pretty epic and stunning hiking) this year's trip will be a northern loop and will start and end at Elk Hart Park, and will include Green River, Photographers Point and a side trip to Titcomb Basin. Total miles, including Titcomb Basin is 78 miles (there is a possible cut-off to bypass 12 miles if necessary towards the end).

This is the route we would be taking: Click here to view on CalTopo
Please be aware that the Wind River Range is some TOUGH hiking and if you aren't fit and capable you will struggle, although it is still doable if you really want to do it. I would prefer not to have to make use of my InReach and I will not be baby-sitting anyone. Average days are 10-12 miles and they aren't easy miles much of the time so packing as light as possible is highly recommended.

The route will be hiked counter-clockwise to allow for the 12 mile cut-off being closer to the end when people are more likely to need it.

Dates for the trip will be the week of August 20-26 (Monday-Sunday). This was more than enough time for the last trip, although that was fewer miles (it was done in 5 days). Weather is generally as good as it is going to get for the area during late August and early September.
Arrival at Elk Hart Park would be August 19 so as to get a full days of hiking on August 20th. A night in Pinedale at the end of the trip is highly recommended.

Elk Hart TH near Fremont Lake, north of Pinedale is easy to access with a car and has plenty of parking.

Gear recommendations for this trip include a good base layer, puffy jacket, warm hat and gloves, and a sleeping bag or quilt rated to 20* as it can get into the 20s at night at any time in Wyoming mountains. Hiking poles are also immensely helpful. Hammocking is possible but you might not be with the group for sleeping due to location of trees and flat open places.

Ursaks recommended due to being in Grizzly country but we actually found that we were able to hang our food every night on the last trip. I will still be bringing mine with an Opsak liner. Black bears can occasionally be a problem near some of the trail heads.

Curious? Check out my blog posts from last year's September trip here: https://nomadicpawprints.wordpress....mings-wind-river-range-september-2017-part-1/
Don't get to carried away with griz in the winds.... Some are there but not many.... A bunch of people is not needed....and just hang your food....marmots and mice are more of a threat getting your food