Wind River Range Roberts Mountain


Dec 2, 2013
I have been scouring the internet trying to find information on this area and there is very little available. I am planning a trip to the Winds this summer, and am planning on heading into the basins just north of Grave Lake. I found information on these basins in Nancy's book, but while looking at the map I thought it would be a cool side trip to head to the top of Roberts Mountain. From google earth it looks like a pretty easy, albeit steep talus climb up the south side of the mountain, and then a long easy walk across the large flat top of the mountain to the summit. Does anyone have any experience with this? I know sometimes what looks easy online turns out to not be the case in real life.
It's a lot easier to get onto Roberts Mountain from the north side, but I believe there is an approach from the south if you follow the north fork of Grave Creek upstream, go west (~195°) and aim just north of point 12255 (2016 FSTopo) - once you make the ridge you're in good shape. I'd expect a slog from the upper lakes along the north fork of Grave Creek (about 1 mile) and the final push (300' or so) to the ridge might be rough.
Probly wont find much info...... its on the REZ, trails bad or gone, expensive to hike there. That said looks like access from Middlefork lake wouldnt be bad.
It is expensive to hike on the reservation, not really worth it, you can see plenty of great places for free without the hassles.
That said I’ve been in the area a couple times. Try messaging me for info.
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