Album Wildlife

Nice shots!
"I got to get into this dude's pelt and crawl around for a few days. Who's the gopher's ally. His friends. The harmless squirrel and the friendly rabbit." Carl Spackler
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An old Goshute woman that lives by herself in a cave in the Deep Creeks makes them for me :D.

Whoaaa!!! Warning: a bit of foul language right at the end, but you can't blame them after that.
Holy smokes. Great video to add to the knowledge-base. That was a big black bear. They stayed together, didn't move apart. They didn't run away. They seemed to do everything right and survived. But the bear was persistent. I probably would have pepper sprayed it.
Couple more shots of the same cinnamon as above.

Dave, any insight on what the adult was eating? Looks like plants (not grubs or roots or bulbs) in the second picture...
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Just like a big, cuddly dog. That could eat you.

The black bear in the first video was big. The brown in the second is what big really means. McNeil is as active as the Katmai river falls for the big browns. I have encountered that size there. Sobering. Stimulating. Awesome.
Dave, any insight on what the adult was eating? Looks like plants (not grubs or roots or bulbs) in the second picture...

Grass. Witnessed a couple instances of grub digging, but most of the bears we saw on this trip (8 black, 7 grizz) were eating grass. few weeks ago in Salt Creek we saw lots of bear poop and it was all full of grass too.

This regular phase black bear was just chowing down on the grass she is surrounded by.




And this is a different cinnamon than the one posted earlier, also chowing down on the greens.


After his swim in Yellowstone lake, this guy was grazing greens too. I saw him also take a few big bites of turf including the dirt. Minerals maybe?


Very interesting. Thanks @DAA. Bears can digest grass, at least partially. Explains some of the "grazing" I watched in Alaska. Did you backpack any while you were up there?
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How come I only get to vote "like" once for that one? :D

Art, no BP'ing. Wouldn't have made the women happy and it was important to try and keep them happy. Me and Logan will try and hit the Uintas pretty soon though.


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