Album Wildlife

That's exactly what they were doing. There were two or three waxwings amongst fifty or so American Robins eating berries from some shrubs. They don't seem to be very common in significant numbers here in northern Utah... At least not that I have ever noticed before.

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They are a somewhat common visitor in Utah in migration season but not routine. Sometimes 2 or 3 at my house but often in large flocks of up to 50. They are a very social bird and will also be in mixed flocks during migration as you noticed.

I really enjoy them and enjoy their cousins the Bohemian Waxwing even more. They are much less common but not unheard of even at my house.
We have a large group (family?) of turkey vultures living near our home. They return to this same tree year after year. They fly over our home usually in a group every morning to sun themselves in a tree across the valley. I have never seen one land near our home. This one landed right in front of our house.

Met a friend while scouting in Weber Canyon


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Here's his glamour shot

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Fantastic! Love that shot. I love bullsnakes. I used to stop and chase them off the road in the spring up at the Sand Flats above Moab. They would sun themselves on the road. The bullsnakes up there have adapted to a pale pink color to blend with the sand and rocks. Snake herding is even harder than cat herding.
Barred owl, just above our bird feeder this evening. The birds are not worried. It’s a frequent visitor and I’m very happy to see and hear it late evening. We saw it in action this winter, suddenly it attacked the ground, got a vole under the snow, flew to another tree and swallowed the whole vole, gulp...... Hopefully it will catch lots of voles.




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