What beer you drinking?

Kettle House's Cold Smoke is great off the tap. I also enjoy Kings Peak Porter from the tap at Uinta Brewery. It seems to taste a bit different everywhere else, but at the brewery it's good.

I've got a friend who brews his own beer and his oatmeal stout and smokey porter are extremely good too.
try the Porter at the salt lake brew Haus Its top shelf!
In the Netherlands we have several regular beers some om which, like Amstel, Heineken or Grolsch, are also available in the USA.

We also have some smaller breweries (the number is growing) that produce excellent special beers like "Texels Skuumkoppe".
Now with the New Year only 2 hours away over here, i am going to get a couple :D of those to start celebrating!

Proost, Prosit, Cheers, Salute, Zum Wohl, Gesundheit,
I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Adventures 2015! !

Don't forget to try it when you happen to visit the Netherlands!
I saw a photo on Facebook the other day that someone had some bottles of Red Rock Elephino. I don't know if it's available outside of the brewery now, but I highly recommend it. Really good stuff.
I had to go to Richmond, Va for work last month and they had a beer by Center of the Universe called El Duderino and I really liked it. But if I go to Wyoming or Idaho I will usualy get Alaskan amber.
Would you be willing to share your isolation recipe? Love that beer and have been wanting to brew an all grain version.

Drinking a clone of Isolation as I write this. It is a good caramel beer.

On tap I have a:
  • Isolation Clone (maybe 4.5 Gallons)
  • Double Chocolate Stout (maybe 2.5 Gallons)

In other untapped kegs I have:
  • Hobgoblin Clone (10 Gallons)
  • Alaska Amber Clone (5 Gallons)
  • Manny's Pale Ale Clone (5 Gallons)
  • Holly Christmas spiced ale (5 Gallons)

  • 10 Gallons of Märzen (Oktoberfest) beer lagering (will be done in December)
  • 5 Gallons of Arrogant Bastard Clone (will be done in 3 weeks)
  • 5 Gallons of Apple Wine (eh, when is wine "done"?)
  • 5 Gallons of Kate the Great Russian Imperial Stout Clone (will be done in December)

I'm the friend scatman is referring to. The oatmeal stout and smokey porter have both been consumed.
Besides hiking and camping, home-brewing is a fun hobby. :twothumbs:
Would you be willing to share your isolation recipe? Love that beer and have been wanting to brew an all grain version.

Yea this is what I have:

Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: Safale US-05
Yeast Starter: nah just throw in 2 packs
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.5
Original Gravity: 1.063
Final Gravity: didn't record (I am a lazy homebrewer)
IBU: 28
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Color: 21 SRM
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 14 days at 67 degrees
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): kegged it
Tasting Notes: A lot of Caramel Malts

7 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) US
4.5 lbs Bonlander Munich Malt 10L - 10L
2.5 lbs Caramel/Crystal Malt - 80L

0.70 oz Nugget [13.00 %] (60 min) Hops 29.2 IBU
0.30 oz Nugget [13.00 %] (15 min) Hops 6.2 IBU
0.70 oz Cascade [5.50 %] (15 min) Hops 6.1 IBU
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc

2 Pkgs Safale American (US-05) Yeast

Mashed at 152 F for 60 Minutes. Mashout 168 for 10 Minutes.

Tasty Beer, been years since I drank it from Odell, so I cannot remember how close it is.

I have a thread going on Homebrewtalk located here: http://www.homebrewtalk.com/showthread.php?t=468620
I am always looking for feedback on anything.

In addition if you are in the Salt Lake area and want to talk beer brewing, swap any recipes, and talk hiking come out to http://backcountrypost.com/threads/beer-night-friday-january-8th.5367/#post-63693. Just avoid @Joey, there is something not right about him...
I have a Pikes Old Bawdy 2010 ready to go right now; probably going to have to wait till at least friday though ;). Also have a 2011 Double Chocolate Stout from Rogue that I will probably open this weekend if the temps continue to stay low. Nothing like a big glass of boozy chocolate milk to make you feel warm inside!

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