Wandering about In Theodore Roosevelt NP (north unit)

This is one I've wanted to go see for a while! Love it. Looks like you timed it just right so you're there when everything is green.
TIL there are cactuses in North Dakoka!
There are cacti growing even up into Southern Canada.
Just a few examples, but there are more:

gorelick-2019-cactus-succ.-j.-914-287-288.pdf (wordpress.com)
Opuntia fragilis Publications (wiu.edu)
Pediocactus simpsonii (cactus-art.biz)
Pediocactus nigrispinus (llifle.com)

The Opuntia species (or closely related) @kwc is showing in his post, already survives 5+ years and flowers in my small rockgarden unprotected against frost and/or lots of rain during the winters!
opuntia species.jpg
Sometime it would be fun to poke around up there. That and the Missouri River Breaks are a couple out of the way places I do want to get to eventually.