VIDEO - Mt. Lindsey (14,042 ft) Northwest Ridge


Sep 25, 2016
Hi friends!

Here is this week's newest installment of my hiking videos. On Sunday (10/2/16) I made my way down south to tackle Mt. Lindsey via the Northwest Ridge Route (class 3 and 4). I have only been hiking 14ers since July and this was my attempt at #10. This was the most beautiful hike I have EVER done and by the far the most challenging. This was my first attempt at a Class 3 and 4. I learned a ton from this hike and this has ignited a deep passion for continuining to climb these mountains. I left Lindsey a new person. I hope you all the new video, and as always, if you have any feedback on how I can make my future videos better, please let me know on this thread. Also, if you'd ever like to meet up for a hike, I am free on Sundays and Tuesdays.

