Upper Bowdie loop


Mar 6, 2014
I have a very short list of hikes I might never repeat. This one got added! Why? Brush! Too bad, because I love wild and remote places like this where nobody hardly ever goes.

Followed @Bob 's track from here: http://backcountrypost.com/threads/fable-valley-bowdie-canyon.2787/

It ended up being a 10 hour day: 15 mile bike ride to and fro the TH, the last half on a nearly decommissioned track, plus the loop hike of about 13 miles.

Arch near the confluence of north and south fork

Bypassing a section of dryfalls, massive potholes and this unique 'portal'.

Lots of this, but worse.

But also some redeeming qualities.

Skotti can't wait to see if this side canyon exit goes!

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how far down Bowdie did you go? that area fascinates me. a Bowdie/Dark/Long Canyon loop, with a packraft for the 8 mile river section, is high on my list.
Down north fork, up south fork. At the confluence was the most heinous brush, so I didn't descend further. Supposedly lower Bowdie is incredible, with agreeable hiking too.

Yes, a packraft loop is in the works. Either involving Gypsum or Dark. Let's make it happen!

I have gone up Dark from the river, to the top of the Sundance and back. Also explored Fable. Now with this Bowdie outing I'm finally starting to get an idea of the terrain. Complex area, very fascinating. Huge and remote, for sure.
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Beautiful! The bushwack does look tedious. Was there any hiding poison ivy in there? I got hit pretty bad this past June with ivy growing up willows like that.
I have spent way too many hours planning this one. Parking at the airstrip on Sweet Alice Rd, descend Bowdie, float to Dark, up Dark to Long, back up Long to the airstrip. Epic! Only issues being timing as far as the road being open (early May?), and if permits would be necessary to float that 8 mile section of Cataract. A week in there might do it :)
The road needs to be bone dry, not just free of snow. Or else you might spend more than a week down there!
We went down fable valley/ gypsum to the Colorado.... Floated down to Bowdie and out on one trip.....
Come on the brush wasn't that bad ....we gave dine worse. You can go down either firk of Bowdie... The best kivas around are below the confluence of the forks... Sweet Alice road is blocked by snow late up high....
No poison ivy ...

I have been thru there twice now....one ruin I want to get back and check out .....

You can drive to the canyon itself.....good road....hehe
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@Kullaberg63 I read your beta on another thread about your later packraft trip of Bowdie-Dark (it was very helpful thank you!) Is it fair to say you change your mind about repeating? Did you use the same TH the second time around? I've very interested in this route. Also @Bob I saw that your gps track is no longer up, any chance I could get beta on TH location and water sources. Thanks, this forum is such a great find! I'm already losing sleep to trip planning as a result.
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Bowdie below the confluence is fantastic. If you don't already have them I'd recommend picking up a couple S. Allen (probably Canyoneering 2 & 3) and M. Kelsey (don't expect handholding...he'll just give you an idea if there's a route in or out...trying to follow too closely leads to lots of frustration or worse) books. Between those and some creativity and map reading you should have plenty of info for lots of trips.
@Kullaberg63 I read your beta on another thread about your later packraft trip of Bowdie-Dark (it was very helpful thank you!) Is it fair to say you change your mind about repeating? Did you use the same TH the second time around? I've very interested in this route. Also @Bob I saw that your gps track is no longer up, any chance I could get beta on TH location and water sources. Thanks, this forum is such a great find! I'm already losing sleep to trip planning as a result.

Actually those two trips (this one here, and the pack rafting one) take in two different parts of Bowdie, and do not overlap.

As @Brendan S says above, Bowdie below the confluence of north and south forks is pretty amazing. Above the confluence, not worth repeating. My opinion!
Resource page is back up.... I could download the bowdie fable file....let me know
Yeah, sorry about the delay on the resources section but it is alive and well again. All of Bob's tracks and everything else in there is available again.
Actually those two trips (this one here, and the pack rafting one) take in two different parts of Bowdie, and do not overlap.

As @Brendan S says above, Bowdie below the confluence of north and south forks is pretty amazing. Above the confluence, not worth repeating. My opinion!
There is a few nice ruins and some neat pour offs on the North fork side, found a few lithic sites on the north, South fork is pretty much just a canyon. Elk use the top end.
I’ll also add that just because people online or in a book say that some part of a canyon is a thrash or bad or whatever doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Some of my favorite trips had parts that people say not to do, and I wouldn’t necessarily do them again, but I’m damn happy I did. From the sounds of it you’re just getting into exploring some of the more interesting parts of the CO Plateau...just throw together some ideas and go for it.
Nice ledge walk around Gypsum falls.... Make sure to check out the fortress ruin area in fable valley by gypsum

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