Upgrading Big Agnes tent question


Mar 29, 2018
Hey gang, new guy here. Have a question. I'm looking into getting a new light 2 person tent to solo in. I just used a Big Agnes tumble 1 last weekend in Joshua Tree. It was OK. No complaints but I now realize I can spend I bit more and get a 2 person at the same or less weight. I'm a big guy (6'9) and would love a bit more room. I'm currently pondering returning the tumble 1 and upgrading to either the Fly Creek HV UL 2 or the Rattlesnake SL 2. I've never had a front door tent so I'm a bit concerned about that aspect. Being a tall guy I would prefer the easiest entry. But it saves like 1.5 pounds which is attractive. I love the huge door opening on the Marmot limelight but that guys too heavy. Anyway, is the front door entry format a deal breaker for a tall guy? Thanks in advance for any input

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I don't know about the Rattlesnake but I suspect that the Fly Creek 2 may be too short for you. I am 5'10" on a small/medium frame and my Fly Creek 2 feels somewhat cramped. I store my gear in the vestibule but it just feels small. Also, I have a slightly stiff back and crawling in and out is, well not difficult, but not real easy either. I would guess that for someone as tall as you, this may also be a problem.

Of course the best solution is to go to REI or some other store, set one up and see how it works for you. As far as keeping the elements out, my Fly Creek has done really well for me in all-night rains, wet snows, high winds, etc.

What I really like is my REI Quarter Dome 2. Solid, roomy, and pretty darn light, just not as light as the Fly Creek 2. The side door makes a big difference to me.

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I'm going to second pretty much every thing @Outdoor_Fool said. I find it a bit cramped, but that being said, I've also shared it with my girl friend, several times, and gotten on just fine. I'm 6'. There's a chance your height might be an issue, so I'd also recommend getting in one before you commit to it.

Ive liked my fly creek 2, but I have gotten some very small holes in the floor, and the seams leak now. But then again, I practically lived out of it for about three months, so...
The Quarter Dome 2 is a pretty damn good tent and at 88" long its one of the longer ones out there. I would also recommend checking out the Nemo Dagger, I think it is 90"x50" and I have heard good things about Nemo tents. They both weight about the same at roughly 4 lbs. I am also a pretty tall guy (6'4") so finding a tent that is comfortable and light enough for one person is a little challenging (its a lot easier if you are splitting the weight with another person). My brother is even taller than me and just said screw it and went with a hammock. But you cant really hammock camp in the California deserts so... there's that...
The Quarter Dome 2 is a pretty damn good tent and at 88" long its one of the longer ones out there. I would also recommend checking out the Nemo Dagger, I think it is 90"x50" and I have heard good things about Nemo tents. They both weight about the same at roughly 4 lbs. I am also a pretty tall guy (6'4") so finding a tent that is comfortable and light enough for one person is a little challenging (its a lot easier if you are splitting the weight with another person). My brother is even taller than me and just said screw it and went with a hammock. But you cant really hammock camp in the California deserts so... there's that...
The nemo dagger looks like a really good option! Thanks

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It sounds like my concerns about the front door layout are well founded. I'll pass on that style.

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I was concerned about the front door layout but the price/weight combo of several BA tents of this style made them appealing. Thanks for all your input. I decided to give the BA Rattlesnake Sl2 a try. REI has it on sale for a pretty good price plus the 20% off member discount. I'll see how I like it when it shows up Sunday.

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I'm 6-5 and just recently shook down my brand new Copper Spur HV UL2 on a solo trip. It's right at 3 lbs including stakes, excluding any kind of footprint. The HV (high volume) model is an excellent improvement that provides for increased volume using a cross pole and the catenary curve design of the fabric cuts and seams. The floor is 88" long. For the combination of weight and comfort, it's an outstanding tent for my solo needs. I can't imagine sharing it with anyone though. I use a long/wide pad and there's just not enough room for two people. Some say that these so-called two person lightweight tents in the neighborhood of 26-30 s.f or so are fine for "couples" who don't mind the intimacy. But I've been married for 35 years and my wife laughs at that concept! That's why we use a 3P for our trips together. MSRP is steep at $450 but I got it for $335 during the recent REI sale. If you can find it discounted somewhere I highly recommend this tent as a solo shelter for a tall guy. Save a pound somewhere else and be comfy. Outdoor Gear Lab rated it #1 in their recent 2018 testing. Here's the link: https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/revi...backpacking-tent/big-agnes-copper-spur-hv-ul2.
I'm 6-5 and just recently shook down my brand new Copper Spur HV UL2 on a solo trip. It's right at 3 lbs including stakes, excluding any kind of footprint. The HV (high volume) model is an excellent improvement that provides for increased volume using a cross pole and the catenary curve design of the fabric cuts and seams. The floor is 88" long. For the combination of weight and comfort, it's an outstanding tent for my solo needs. I can't imagine sharing it with anyone though. I use a long/wide pad and there's just not enough room for two people. Some say that these so-called two person lightweight tents in the neighborhood of 26-30 s.f or so are fine for "couples" who don't mind the intimacy. But I've been married for 35 years and my wife laughs at that concept! That's why we use a 3P for our trips together. MSRP is steep at $450 but I got it for $335 during the recent REI sale. If you can find it discounted somewhere I highly recommend this tent as a solo shelter for a tall guy. Save a pound somewhere else and be comfy. Outdoor Gear Lab rated it #1 in their recent 2018 testing. Here's the link: https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/revi...backpacking-tent/big-agnes-copper-spur-hv-ul2.

I’m no where near as tall (5’7”), but I have the regular Copper Spur UL1 and I love it. Plenty of room inside for a standard sleeping pad (72x20) with my empty pack at my feet or head. Plenty of room on the sides for miscellaneous items like boots, etc.

My tent (and 3/4 of my party’s tents) got tossed by a wind storm last year at Arches. Sent to BA for repair. They initially missed a few holes in the fly, but when I sent it a second time they replaced the entire fly. They stand by their gear. I’ve had this tent over 6 years and it’s still an awesome shelter.

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