Hey gang, new guy here. Have a question. I'm looking into getting a new light 2 person tent to solo in. I just used a Big Agnes tumble 1 last weekend in Joshua Tree. It was OK. No complaints but I now realize I can spend I bit more and get a 2 person at the same or less weight. I'm a big guy (6'9) and would love a bit more room. I'm currently pondering returning the tumble 1 and upgrading to either the Fly Creek HV UL 2 or the Rattlesnake SL 2. I've never had a front door tent so I'm a bit concerned about that aspect. Being a tall guy I would prefer the easiest entry. But it saves like 1.5 pounds which is attractive. I love the huge door opening on the Marmot limelight but that guys too heavy. Anyway, is the front door entry format a deal breaker for a tall guy? Thanks in advance for any input
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