Unnamed Peak 8194 - June 25, 2022


Dec 23, 2013
Headed out this morning to stash a one gallon jug of water, and a 32 oz. bottle of Gatorade along the Millcreek Ridge for my hike next weekend.

The route to 8194 is the same as Mount Aire, except when you reach the saddle, you take a left instead of a right.

We began our walk up the Millcreek Canyon road around 6:45-ish, with a nice 50 degree temperature at the parking lot. Once we arrived at the saddle, we headed up the ridge to the southwest. The trail along this section of the ridge can be hard to follow and we ended up having to bushwhack for a bit in order to reach the top of the ridge and unnamed peak 8194.

Gate still closed to upper Millcreek Canyon

Opening soon though. :thumbsup:

Mountain ninebark

Ready for action. :)

Leopard slug on the road heading towards Elbow Fork

Cascading Millcreek

Hound's tongue

Red osier dogwood

Strawberries are still numerous along the trail

White geranium



Solomon's seal

Pink geranium

Sticky cinquefoil

A leopard slug eating a mulch maid

Choke cherry


Mule's ear

Woodland star

Approaching the saddle with an opening full of mule's ear

Wasatch Beardtongue

A grasshopper had his eye on the Scatman

Beginning our climb up to the top of the ridge. Can you see the trail?

It starts off kind of steep once you leave the saddle

Katie, pausing for a moment with Mount Aire above, and the saddle down below

Aspen on our way up the ridge

The placing of the jug. What precision! :D It's a good thing I took @Rockskipper's "how to hide a jug 101 class" back in the 80's at
Utah State University. Thanks skipper.

Most excellent.

A spikey caterpillar

Into some serious bushwhacking now. Straight ahead is my motto. :)

Columbine on the bushwhack section

Once we broke out on the top of the ridge, the views to the south were spectacular

And a nice view of upper Millcreek Canyon from our vantage point

Lewis flax in the meadow where we stopped for a snack

It exists! :p

Narrow-leaf mountain trumpet

Looking west down the Millcreek Ridge from 8194, with the summit of Grandeur Peak barely visible in the distance

Some kind of beetle on a mule's ear

Mount Olympus

Summit shot

Mountain Ash

The high point of Parley's Ridge, with Antelope Island's Frary Peak beyond

Mount Aire

Stink bug?


Robber fly with its prey

Yellow salsify

Back at the road.

All that is left to do is walk back down the road to the gate and our vehicle.

The End.
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The placing of the jug. What precision! :D It's a good thing I took @Rockskipper's "how to hide a jug 101 class" back in the 80's at Utah State University. Thanks skipper.

The Park Service and FS and BLM all made me quit teaching that course. Glad someone's carrying on the knowledge.
I mentioned it in a PM to @scatman, but I felt it necessary to post publicly as well.

Hugh's slug photography is unmatched here on BCP as far as I'm concerned. I could almost envision the slime trails and the sounds of a gastropod mollusk eating a mushroom were all I could think about as I drove to Home Depot.

Someday I hope to experience such an encounter even though I know I could never come close to replicating the experience via photograph the way @scatman has done. :)

The Sasquatch was a nice touch as well. It is probably too late to suggest it, but I would have considered leaving your furry friend with the hydration stash to deter any curious forest critters from getting too close. There is always next time.

Looking forward to next week's adventure!
The placing of the jug. What precision! :D It's a good thing I took @Rockskipper's "how to hide a jug 101 class" back in the 80's at Utah State University. Thanks skipper.

The Park Service and FS and BLM all made me quit teaching that course. Glad someone's carrying on the knowledge.

That is a crying shame! They can't just cancel Aggie classes all willy-nilly like that.

Don't get carried away on my knowledge just yet; I still have to find the stash next weekend. :D You know how my memory works: Give me a week and I will forget everything.
I mentioned it in a PM to @scatman, but I felt it necessary to post publicly as well.

Hugh's slug photography is unmatched here on BCP as far as I'm concerned. I could almost envision the slime trails and the sounds of a gastropod mollusk eating a mushroom were all I could think about as I drove to Home Depot.

Someday I hope to experience such an encounter even though I know I could never come close to replicating the experience via photograph the way @scatman has done. :)

The Sasquatch was a nice touch as well. It is probably too late to suggest it, but I would have considered leaving your furry friend with the hydration stash to deter any curious forest critters from getting too close. There is always next time.

Looking forward to next week's adventure!

Thanks for the kind words, but the mushroom is too bright for my liking. If it was toned down just a smidge (like my technical terms? :) ) it would make for a better picture.

As for ole Sasquatch guarding the stash, I once had a wily fox chew the arm off a Barbie Doll in the Teton Wilderness (true story). Now there might not be any wily foxes on the Millcreek Ridge, but there are wily moose to contend with. I just wouldn't feel right about leaving Satch to fend for himself. Should I take him on the ridge hike next Saturday? He makes for a good conversation piece, which helps to cancel out the affects of my kilt. :)
Your suggestion (leaving a Bigfoot to guard your stash) was one of the questions on the final for the course that the Scatster missed, IIRC.

I call trick question! While I did answer it incorrectly, if I recall correctly you said "Yeti "in the question instead of "Bigfoot" which threw me off. :scatman:
I call trick question! While I did answer it incorrectly, if I recall correctly you said "Yeti "in the question instead of "Bigfoot" which threw me off. :scatman:
No, you wrote a long essay about how one should leave a Barbie Doll. I remember it well for some strange reason. You did manage to pass the course in spite of it, though, but only because I graded on the curve.
That is a crying shame! They can't just cancel Aggie classes all willy-nilly like that.

Don't get carried away on my knowledge just yet; I still have to find the stash next weekend. :D You know how my memory works: Give me a week and I will forget everything.
You'd make the perfect partner in crime if you forget everything. Gold? I don't remember us stealing any gold...
No, you wrote a long essay about how one should leave a Barbie Doll. I remember it well for some strange reason. You did manage to pass the course in spite of it, though, but only because I graded on the curve.

Thank God for grading on a curve then. :D
The flowers are really opening up! and that Robber fly and the others of slugs and grasshoppers as mentioned are all excellent shots!
I had heard there were two unnerving sightings this weekend, one of a kilt stooping over flowers on an unnamed ridge and another... well, interesting.
The flowers are really opening up! and that Robber fly and the others of slugs and grasshoppers as mentioned are all excellent shots!
I had heard there were two unnerving sightings this weekend, one of a kilt stooping over flowers on an unnamed ridge and another... well, interesting.

Unnerving just about sums it up. :D