Under Snow and Ice in Kanarraville Falls

Howells Outdoors

Adventure is my middle name...actually it's Keith.
Sep 26, 2012
Originally posted on Howellsoutdoors.com
January 1, 2015 –
(Map Here)

The early morning of the hike was cold and the air crisp and frigid. It’s always nice when the air temperature causes your breath to freeze and your beard to get icicles.
Hiking up the hill from the parking area was a slip’n’slide of ice and snow, but now I know where I’m taking my airboards for a long amazing run.
Back to the hike up Kanarraville Falls.
The first creek crossing was completely covered in ice; it was a solid ice bridge. At this point I knew the falls were going to be covered much more than in previous trips up here in the winter. I was excited to see it.

We avoided the water well up until we entered the slot canyon. At this point it was just walk on ice and fall in several times.

We hit several ice spots where we fell in, luckily the two layers of neoprene socks kept us warm.

The lower falls was iced over, which was awesome!

After climbing up the first falls ladder, we had to start getting in water.

The upper falls is what I wanted to see.

After getting our fill of a frozen water fall — I’ve only been above the 2nd falls once and I don’t know what’s up there — we turned back for warmer weather.

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