UHT 2020 - Leidy to Hayden

Blake Merrell

Life Elevated - Rising Higher
Feb 25, 2013
Finally! Fom July 25 to July 31 we hike about 100 miles along the Uinta Highline Trail. My heart is still reeling from the experience!

This Poem kind of expresses how I feel:

1.Our mountain home so dear,
Where crystal waters clear
Flow ever free,
While thru the valleys wide
The flow’rs on ev’ry side,
Blooming in stately pride,
Are fair to see.

2.We’ll roam the verdant hills
And by the sparkling rills
Pluck the wildflow’rs,
The fragrance on the air,
The landscape bright and fair,
And sunshine ev’rywhere
Make pleasant hours.

3.In sylvan depth and shade,
In forest and in glade,
Where-e’er we pass,
The hand of God we see
In leaf and bud and tree,
Or bird or humming bee,
Or blade of grass.

4.The streamlet, flow’r, and sod
Bespeak the works of God;
And all combine,
With most transporting grace,
His handiwork to trace,
Thru nature’s smiling face,
In art divine.

Text: Emmeline B. Wells, 1828–1921

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip!



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Gorgeous photos and you all look super happy!

So.... what all happened on this trip? Are you going to share any stories?

It was a great trip with some great guys!

Essentially we walked a LONG way and really enjoyed all that we saw!

We did have one guy bail after 2 days. his feet were so blistered, that he tapped out and had his wife come pick him up at Whiterocks TH.

I had a very good experience hiking over North Pole Pass. lots of spiritual symbolism struck me as I was hiking that section and it was so refreshing considering the state of the world right now.

We took the longer routes while we were doing this, so our trip ended up closer to 100 miles than 80. those extra 20 miles were amazing!
Gorgeous photos and you all look super happy!

So.... what all happened on this trip? Are you going to share any stories?

For two of my friends, it as their first real trip to the Uintas, and I think it just blew them away! It was great to see their reaction throughout the trip!

I was very surprised by how many people were on the trail this year. many sections of the trail we were by ourselves, but there were plenty of sections that were quite busier than I expected. King's peak was especially busy, but that is to be expected.

Day one we encountered a pretty crazy storm! we got blasted with freezing rain and hail for about an hour. that was WILD!
Ah I can't pick a favorite photo!

Definitely that first B&W is epic and needs to be printed and framed! The flowers look beautiful, everything looks beautiful!

Thanks for sharing!

I agree :) I think I will print the pic of the storm. so many emotions involved with that moment!
Nice! It looks like you had really good weather.

Most of the time it was really nice. We did get some freezing rain/hail on the first day. and we were working hard to make sure we were up and off Kings Peak in the AM before the monsoon rain pounded us.
Was hoping for your TR! Looks like you visited Crater Lake too - was that a partial day hike/detour as you were hiking through? If so, I think we missed each other by half a day at that lake, lol..
I could really relate to your pictures since I was just there on the same route and almost at the same time - super fun to see it from another perspective: awesome pics, and waaaay to go! :thumbsup:
Was hoping for your TR! Looks like you visited Crater Lake too - was that a partial day hike/detour as you were hiking through? If so, I think we missed each other by half a day at that lake, lol..
I could really relate to your pictures since I was just there on the same route and almost at the same time - super fun to see it from another perspective: awesome pics, and waaaay to go! :thumbsup:

Thanks! :) Hiking the UHT was one of the funniest trips I have done! it didn't come easy though. For the last half I had foot and knee problems. Im glad it didn't slow me down, but I had to take some heavy pain meds to keep it under control as I hiked up and down the passes.

Crater was a treat! I can't believe how many people have visited this year and posted pics. for years it was hard to find anything and the week I go it seems everyone else goes too haha. crazy how it works out. We did that as an afternoon hike as part of our trek along the UHT.

And thank you for your TR. Finding that Dino fossil is SO COOL!