Two Mornings in the Wasatch Front - MTB


Sep 18, 2017
I don’t see a lot of mountain bike TRs on this site, but I have been thinking that I need to make more of an effort to contribute here. Hopefully you guys won’t mind a short report of a little two-wheeled adventure.

Morning 1 – 4/27

I arrived at the TH just as dawn was breaking. This is a popular trailhead, so I wanted to get an early start. I geared up and hit the trail. It was a beautiful morning and it felt great to be out. After some pedaling through pine forest, the canyon opens up a little.

Sunrise over the Wasatch

As the trail moved back into the scrub oak, I came upon some wildflowers


About halfway up the trail is a popular lookout. Most visitors turn around here. I have found that continuing almost always offers great rewards and I was happy that I had time this morning to keep pedaling up. A few bends past the popular turn-around and I bumped into this guy:

Bull Moose – if you look closely you can see some velvet covered beginnings of antlers

After hanging with Bullwinkle for a bit I proceeded up the trail and came to a downed tree.
I was glad this pine decided to snap off up high and keep the trail passable.

The next downed tree I came to wasn’t so considerate. There appeared to be a good deal of snow past this point, so I decided to turn around.

End of the line


On the way down, I enjoyed the downhill ride and didn’t stop for many photos, but I did snap a couple:


Salt Lake valley seems much more peaceful from up here.

Morning 2 – 4/28

Morning 2 started out in a similar fashion to previous morning. It was very mild, but a little windy. Again, I arrived at the trailhead at first light. Today, I decided to take a trail that followed along the foothills of the Wasatch.

Here is a shot looking back towards Ben Lomond from near the beginning of the trail:

The trail proceeded south, and I eventually found myself on the hill above my alma matter.

Go Wildcats!

The Purple Palace with Antelope Island in the background (left)

On the return trip I was treated to some more great views of Ben Lomond


Day two was less eventful, but fun none the less.

The distance over both days was about 24 miles with a climb/descent of around 3600’.
I love mtb reports! Thanks for sharing.

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