Twin Lakes pass


Watch yer top-knot
Apr 27, 2013
Ok so these are not my pics. Last summer I took my boys hiking up the ridge, straight up from the gaurd shack at Alta, to look over into Big Cottonwood canyon. Its a short hike. Great way to spend a summer afternoon with the boys; way better than sitting around the house and watching the guys start up a nerdfest with the latest game system. My youngest was 9 when we went on this hike last summer and he had his own camera. He is developing a healthy interest in photography and I am wanting to do everything I can to encourage it. So when he saw me looking at stuff on BCP he wanted to know if any of his photos were good enough to here are Caleb's shots from our hike up throgh Grizzly gulch to the pass looking down at Twin lakes resivior. I think he's got potential. Hope its ok to use this forum to show off my kids work.

The wildflowers were great on this hike.




Big brothers always walking ahead...but at least they carry most of the gear;)
Great photos!! I love the colors on those flowers. and number 4 really showcases how steep the slope is. He has a good eye!

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