Album Trails

Nice! Stinkin Lincoln. Did you make it to the lake? One of the most overgrown, secluded trails in the park. And what a steep climb to start. The lake is beautiful though.
Yes I made it to the lake and the incredible waterfallIMG_2169.JPG . When I worked in Glacier in 1985 we avoided this trail because we felt it would be just a long walk in the woods. Being one of the few day hikes in Glacier I hadn't done I decided to do it in 2012. It was an ENJOYABLE...long walk in the woods. I was rewarded for that steep climb at the start with glorious morning sun slanting through the forest and huckleberries galore
some of that might have burned this year.
I saw that St. Mary's Falls area got burnt but haven't seen if it got up to Virginia Falls. This trail takes off from Virginia and follows the south shore toward Red Eagle area.
Okay so not great quality but I'll add a few.

Learning what exposure really means - with a bit of light headedness going from 120' back home to 12,000' in a matter of hours, then seeing SLC that far below me was a quick reminder I wasn't in Appalachia anymore.

The Timpooneke Trail on the way down. How is that pronounced anyways?
Some of my favorite pics are of trails. so far all pics on this thread are awesome. I hope my additions truly do add something to the discussion.

Switch back up to Gunsight Pass. This was from our Kings-in-a-day-palooza last year!
Swtchback up to Gunsight Pass.jpg
Crypt Lake Trail - Waterton National Park - Canada. I'm sure many of you have heard of this trail. You need to take a boat shuttle to get to the trailhead. Then to access the lake you climb a ladder and crawl thru a tunnel. The lake sits in a cliffscan0171.jpg scan0172.jpg locked bowl and the outlet is an underground stream.
@chandlerwest where is a pic of the lake? Don't get me wrong the trail is awesome, but where's the payoff?
There's not much payoff. I took the pictures 29 years ago and scanned into my computer who knows when, so the quality is not there. Attached are pictures of the falls that emerges from the lake (this shows the basin the lake sits in). The view from the back end of the tunnel. And the lake itself which I needed to tape two photos together to get.


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